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How to Create and Edit List Views

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How to Create and Edit List Views:

This article will walk you through how to create a new List View, as well as how to edit an existing List View. If you aren't quite sure what a List View is, check out this article all about List Views first.

This is a List View

List Views allow you to see a filtered list of records, such as Contacts, Accounts, or Donations.  You can create a new List View, or edit an existing List View to meet the criteria you're looking for.

How Do I Create a new List View?

Let's create a new List View!

Let's use the Donations tab as an example and create a List View that shows all Won Donations with a Fund Type of "Annual Fund".

1. Click on the Donations tab

If you don't see the Donations tab on the main tab bar, click the App Launcher on the left of the tab bar and search "Donations" to find it.

2. In the Donations tab, click on the List View Controls, which looks like a little gear, and select "New"

3. Give the List View a name, decide who should be able to see it, and click Save

4. The List View defaults to "My Donations".  To display All Donations, in the Filters section on the right, click "Show me", select "All Donations," and click Done

5. Click "Add Filter"

6. Select the following

1. Field: Fund

2. Operator: Equals

3. Value: Annual Fund

4. Click Done

7. Add Another Filter

8. Fill in the following fields

1. Field: Won

2. Operator: Equals

3. Value: True

4. Click Done


9. Click Save

10. You can choose which fields you'd like to display in your List View by clicking on the List View Controls drop-down menu and selecting "Select Fields to Display"

This window will pop up so you can add and remove fields as you please. Select the fields you want to move, and use the arrows to add or remove fields as necessary

Let's remove "Donation Owner Alias" from our Visible Fields box.  Highlight the field and click the arrow that points toward the Available Fields box

Let's also add "Fund" to our Visible Fields box.  Highlight the field and click the arrow that points toward the Visible Fields box

Finally, we'll reposition the order in which the "Fund" field will display on the List View.  Use the up and down arrows to the right of the  Visible Fields box and click save when you're done

11. Behold!  You now have a List View that displays only Won Annual Fund Donations

How do I edit an existing List View?

Let's edit a List View!

In our account, the Donations tab contains a List View that displays donations made this week.  We'll edit it to display donations made this week that were posted.

1. Click on the Donations tab

If you don't see the Donations tab on the main tab bar, click the app launcher on the left of the tab bar and search "Donations" to find it.

2. Select the List View you'd like to edit in the drop-down menu

3. Click the filter icon

4. Click "Add Filter"

5. Fill in the following fields

  1. Field: Stage
  2. Operator: Equals
  3. Value: Posted
  4. Click Done

6. Click Save

7. If you'd like to make other changes to the List View, like give it a new name, or add more fields to display, click on the gear to find these controls

8. Let's edit the fields that will display on this List View by clicking "Select Fields to Display" from the List View Controls

9. We'll add "Fund" to our Visible Fields box.  Highlight the field and click the arrow that points toward the Visible Fields box

Let's also reposition the order in which the "Fund" field will display on the List View.  Use the up and down arrows to the right of the Visible Fields box and click save when you're done

Voila!  The "New This Week" List View now displays Posted donations exclusively

But wait, can I also sort my List View?

Why yes, you can! Use Salesforce's instructions here to sort your List View - and you can even sort by multiple columns at once.

Want to learn more about list views? Salesforce has a great video for you!

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Next Article How to Add the Primary Campaign Source Field to a Donations List View
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