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How to Customize Confirmation Emails for Virtual Events

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How to Customize Confirmation Emails for Virtual Events:

PatronManager confirmation emails include conditional text if the Ticket Order contains one or more Virtual Events. The default text reads as follows:

"Your order contains tickets to one or more virtual events. To view your virtual event(s), click the button(s) below a few minutes before the listed time."

What if you want to customize that language? In this article, we'll show you how to:

Customizing an email template should take you about fifteen minutes. Let's dive in!

Customize Confirmation Emails

Confirmation emails include conditional text if the Order contains one or more virtual events. Below the text, patrons will see the button(s) to click to use their virtual tickets:

Use the instructions below to customize this conditional text in the following templates:

  • Order Confirmation Template
  • Subscription Order Confirmation Template
  • Exchange Confirmation Template
  • Any custom confirmation templates you may have set up
Click to customize confirmation templates

To customize the text above the Virtual Ticket link, you'll need to add an attribute to your confirmation email template. Here's how!

1. Copy and paste the entire text below into a text editor

virtualEventMessage="Your order contains tickets to one or more virtual events. To view your virtual event(s), click the button(s) below a few minutes before the listed time."
Click to copy

2. Customize the text inside the quotation marks as you see fit

Perhaps you'd like to make it extra-clear that this is their ticket and they need to keep it handy, with something like this:

virtualEventMessage="Your order contains tickets to one or more virtual events. This email is your ticket -- don't lose it! To view your virtual event(s), click the button(s) below."

3. Edit your Order Confirmation Template(s)

Not sure how to find and edit confirmation email templates? Follow the steps in this article up to step 4, then come back here to see what specifically you need to edit.

4. Paste everything from your text editor into a specific spot

Copy everything in your text editor, and paste it into the confirmation email template. It needs to go into the “<c:TicketEmailOrderDetailHTML” attribute, just before the “/>” at the end, here:

The line will be very long but it'll look something like this from the left:

And something like this scrolled all the way to the right:

You may also wish to customize the conditional text for the "Email" delivery method, as by default it refers to PDF tickets.

Keep in mind that the conditional message for "Email" will appear for all Ticket Orders with that delivery method: an Order could include regular in-person Event Instances, Virtual Events with ticket links, or both.

5. Save!

Customize the Email Tickets Template

The "Email Tickets Template" is not a confirmation email.

It is only sent when manually re-emailing tickets from a Ticket Order, and it does not include the order details. It looks like this:

Keep in mind that this template is used to re-email tickets for Ticket Orders that contain regular events (where a Print-at-Home ticket will be attached or mobile ticket linked in the email), Virtual Events (where the ticket link is within the email), and both.

The text beginning with "Your order contains tickets to one or more virtual events" is conditional, and only appears if the email contains virtual ticket links.

Click to customize the Email Tickets Template

1. Copy and paste the entire text below into a text editor

virtualEventMessage="Your order contains tickets to one or more virtual events. To view your virtual event(s), click the button(s) below a few minutes before the listed time."
Click to copy

2. Customize the text inside the quotation marks as you see fit

Perhaps you'd like to make it extra-clear that this is their ticket and they need to keep it handy, with something like this:

virtualEventMessage="Your order contains tickets to one or more virtual events. This email is your ticket -- don't lose it! To view your virtual event(s), click the button(s) below."

3. Edit the Email Tickets Template

Not sure how to find and edit confirmation email templates? Follow the steps in this article up to step 4 then come back here to see what specifically you need to edit.

4. Find the line that starts with "virtualEventMessage="

You'll find it under the line that includes "VirtualTicketRenderer" - don't change that line!

5. Paste everything from your text editor to replace the virtualEventMessage line

Copy everything in your text editor, and paste it into the confirmation email template to replace the existing line. Be sure to include the closing quotation mark.

You may also wish to customize the text in the body of the email.

Remember that the body text needs to work for standard tickets, as well as virtual tickets sent as links, because a Ticket Order may contain any combination of those things.

6. Save!

Need to start fresh?

Sometimes things get messy. If you need a clean slate for the Printable/Virtual Ticket Template, you can clear it out and paste in the original code below to start over.

Click for the original Email Tickets Template code
<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Here are you tickets for order ({!relatedTo.Name})" relatedToType="PatronTicket__TicketOrder__c" renderUsingSystemContextWithoutSharing="true" >
    <messaging:htmlEmailBody >
        <p>Dear {!relatedTo.PatronTicket__FirstName__c},</p>
        <c:VirtualTicketRenderer order="{!relatedTo}"
                mobileTicketLinkMessage="Click the button below to access your tickets, print them if necessary, or add them to your digital wallet."
                virtualEventMessage="Your order contains tickets to one or more virtual events. To view your virtual event(s), click the button(s) below a few minutes before the listed time."
Click to copy

If you sell Virtual Events as part of a subscription package, you'll need to make a small adjustment to your confirmation template so that it will include details of the fulfilled tickets in the package, and thus the ticket links. Head over here to make that adjustment.

Previous Article How to Use the Tip Jar on your Virtual Event
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