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Subscription Renewal Tool: Building "Series" From Your Subscription Packages

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Subscription Renewal Tool: Building "Series" From Your Subscription Packages:

The first step in doing your subscription renewals will be to bundle together your subscription packages into the appropriate series.

A subscription series is a container for multiple subscription price levels (i.e. balcony seating and orchestra seating) that share a common day they attend your performances. 

Simply put: building series helps to make sure you don't try to sit two subscribers in the same seats.

In this article, we'll go over:

Depending on the complexity of your packages, or the length of your season, you might have just a couple of Subscription Series, or you might have dozens.

Wait a minute... explain "series" to me in more detail.

Let's explain this through an example.

 If Jon Snow and Theon Greyjoy both had season tickets for the King's Landing Theater, and Jon's tickets were in the orchestra section, while Theon's were in the balcony, and they both attended on First Fridays, their subscription price levels would fall under the same series. 

In addition, if both Theon and Jon had adult priced season tickets, while Olenna Tyrell had senior priced  season tickets and attended on First Fridays- they would all have season tickets that fell under the same series. That "First Fridays" series is distinct from the "Second Fridays" series, or the "First Thursdays" series.

This also means that no two contacts who have season tickets in the same series can have a duplicate seat assignment. To go back to our previous example, it is physically impossible for Jon and Theon to share one seat in the King's Landing Theater, so their subscriber seat assignments for that series that they both share must be different.

1. Create a new Subscription Series

To do your subscription renewals, you will need to bundle your subscription packages together.  Into Subscription Series.

Let's make our Series!

1.1. Click on the App Launcher

1.2. Search "renewal" and click on "Subscription Renewal"

1.3. Click on "Click here to get started!"

1.4. Click "New Subscription Series"

1.5. Name the Series and save

This should be a descriptive name, as specific as possible. "First Fridays" is okay; "Four Play Series: First Fridays" is better.

You can leave that "Description" field blank for now.

2. Define your "Seasons"

The series that you create are eternal -- the specifics may change, but every year you offer a "First Fridays" series.

Now we have to define the actual packages that make up each year (aka each season) of a given subscription series.

Let's create this year's seasons!
If you're doing this for the first time, create your Inaugural Season
2.1. Click "Define New Season" to establish last year's season that you'll be renewing from
2.2. Fill out the details, then click Save
  1. Name: the name of the Season should be in the form of a year or years (like "2018-2019" or "2018")
    • The year you choose for this should be the season that has passed, as that season contains the seating and subscriber information that informs your renewal.
  2. Sort Order: for this first inaugural season, enter 1
  3. Status: select "Inaugural Season" from the Status dropdown
    • The means that this season is the first one for which you're using this new renewal process in PatronManager.

PRO TIP: The "Inaugural Season" status should only be used once for each series, and all following seasons will be marked as Pending Renewal.

2.1. To process a renewal for your upcoming season, click Define New Season

This will be the season that is coming up next, aka the subscriptions you need to renew into.

2.2. Fill out the details, then click Save

  1. Name: the name of the Season should be in the form of a year or years (like "2018-2019" or "2018")
  2. Sort Order: determines where this Season appears in the list of seasons from the Series page
  3. Status: select "Pending Renewal" from the Status dropdown

2.3. Associate Subscription Price Levels

If you had to build both your inaugural season and your pending renewal season, you will need to complete this step twice: once for the inaugural season that has passed (or will soon pass) and the pending renewal season that you'll be processing season ticket renewals for.

Just as Subscription packages are made up of Ticket Price Levels...

...Subscription Series Seasons are made up of Subscription Price Levels

Use the filters on this page to find the appropriate subscription price levels for your season(s). Remember the definition of a subscription series:  a container for multiple subscription price levels (i.e. balcony seating and orchestra seating) that share a common day they attend your performances. 

If you also sell discounted season tickets (i.e senior discount or student discount), those subscription price levels will also need to be added to this series.

You can type in searchable filters for the Ticketable Event, the Event Instance, the Ticket Allocation, and the Price Level.

But how do I use those filters to find what I need?

Use the * (asterisk) to your advantage!

  • If you only type the * after the text in the field, it will only find matches for any Ticketable Event (or Event Instance, or Allocation, or Subscription Price Level) that has different characters after the asterisk.
    • For example, if you typed S* in the Event Instance, it would find any Event Instance that started with an S, like "Saturdays" or "Sundays." It wouldn't return "Thursdays," even though Thursdays contains an S, because Thursdays doesn't begin with an s.
  • If you put an asterisk before and after the text in the field,like this-*S*- it will find any match that contains that character or string. It would find "Sundays," "Saturdays," and "Thursdays,"
2.3.1. Check off the subscription price levels you want to associate with this series, and then click "Associate Selected Price Levels."
2.3.2. The Subscription Price Levels are now associated with this Season, and will be moved into the list at the top of the page.

This step tells the system vital information about what is being renewed! For the season you are renewing from-also known as the inagural season-this step defines who your subscribers were, what prices they purchased, and where they were sitting.

For the season you are renewing INTO-also known as the season in "Pending Renewal" status-this step defines what packages your subscribers will be purchasing for your upcoming season.

In our example, the 2018 Season of this Subscription Series is done! Click the "Back" link.

If you had to build an inagural season and a pending renewal season, make sure you've associated subscription price levels for both seasons before moving on.

3. Build More Series and Seasons

You can follow the steps in this article for your other subscription Series and their subsequent seasons (Sundays, for example).

4. What to do Next

The next step is to create and confirm seat assignments. Click here to read on!

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