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All About the Fee Setup Tab

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All About the Fee Setup Tab:

In PatronManager, you can set up customized per-ticket Item fees, as well as Order fees. You likely already have fees set up in PatronManager, but how do you know where your fees live, or what kind of fees you have? Likewise, if you want to create a new fee, how do you go about doing that? Enter the Fee Setup Tab!

 In this article, we'll cover the following

Where are my fees located?

The Fee Setup tab is the one centralized location where all of your fee settings live. First, click on the App Launcher.

Then, search "fee" and click on "Fee Setup".

In the Fee Setup Tab, you'll see the Fee Setup Wizard, which contains the Item Fee Setup Wizard and the Order Fee Setup Wizard

This is what the Fee Setup Wizard might look like in its human form.

Let's take a deeper look at the Item Fee Setup Wizard and the Order Fee Setup Wizard

Item Fee Setup Wizard

In the Item Fee Setup Wizard, you can create item-level per-ticket fees based on certain criteria.  Here are a few scenarios to get you thinking about possible per-ticket fees.

  • Perhaps you'd like to offset the cost of using a certain venue by creating a facility fee for all tickets sold to that venue
  • Maybe you'd like to charge a single ticket fee for all credit card purchases
  • Or, you'd like to charge a per-ticket fee for all day-of-show walk-up orders and call it a "Door Fee"
You have five item fee fields to work with, which allows you to break out different kinds of fees into separate fields for reporting purposes:

The first fee field listed is tied to the "Price Level"-related fee field. This fee amount is set by the Price Level of the ticket, and cannot be changed here in the Setup Wizard - but the scenarios in which it is assessed are defined here.

Other item fee fields can be configured as you wish.

Note that when an order contains a subscription, item fees will apply to the subscription, not the fulfillment items within the subscription.

Order Fee Setup Wizard

In the Order Fee Setup Wizard, you can create order-level fees based on certain criteria.  Here are a few examples of why you'd set up an order-level fee:

  • You'd like to charge a delivery fee on shipping orders
  • You'd like to charge an order fee on subscription orders
  • Or, you'd like to charge a $5 fee on Membership orders paid by credit card
You also have five fee slots to work with in the Order Fee Setup Wizard:

The first two fee slots are the default Order and Delivery Fees. Using the Setup Wizard, you can determine the exact scenarios in which they're assessed.

How do I know what kind of fees I already have?

If a fee is already configured, the fee slot button on the left of the screen will say "View."   Click on it to see the configured fee's criteria.

Let's look at an Order Fee!

  1. Outstanding Pending Renewal or Reservation warning: If you have these types of Orders in the system, you'll see a message telling you how to recalculate fees on those Orders if you make changes here.
  2. Display Fee refers to how your patrons view fees.  You can choose to display them separately, or you can group fees together. Grouping is useful if you choose to assess many different fees. This option will add them together and display them as one to your patrons so they aren't presented with a long list of fees. You can adjust the label for the fee grouping in PatronTicket Settings.
  3. Automatic waiving options: You can select specific circumstances under which this fee should automatically be waived.
  4. Apply tax to this fee: You will only see this option if your organization is configured to charge sales tax on tickets.
  5. Allow users to waive this fee: Checking this box will allow internal users to waive this fee on an ad-hoc basis when selling tickets.
  6. Description: This is the name of the fee. Your patrons will see this unless you choose to group fees together under another label.
  7. Amount: This shows the fee amount.
  8. Order Type: This shows which types of Ticket Orders are subject to this fee. In this case, the fee applies to all orders, but you could choose, for instance, to apply the fee to only single tickets, or only subscriptions.
  9. Click "Configure" to edit the fee properties.

What about PM Fees?

Any PM fees are not controlled in the fee setup tab, so you won't find them here. Check out this article for more info about the difference between Buyer Fees and PM Fees.

Things to consider when setting up fees

We've really only touched the tip of the iceberg so far. Here's some other helpful information to consider while setting up fees:

Item Fee display on the Public Ticketing Site

The August 2022 release made it possible to display prices on your Public Ticketing Site inclusive of Item Fees, to avoid having the price increase unexpectedly when the patron adds a ticket to their cart.

We strongly encourage enabling this option; just head over to PatronTicket Settings and check the box to "Display Prices Including Item Fees".

Fee Setup with Reservations and Pending Renewal Orders

Once you've implemented a fee rule, it is evaluated on all orders going forward.

Be aware that changes to your fees will not be reflected on Reservations and Pending Renewal Orders unless you change the Payment Method on the order and then re-select the desired Payment Method. If this step is not completed before processing payment, the order's fees may not be updated.

Sales Tax

If your organization uses Sales Tax, you can apply sales tax to some or all fee slots - including order fees!

Sales Tax

Updating/Deactivating Fees

Changing your fee schedule? No problem. You can modify existing fees by clicking the "View" button.  Click the "View Deactivated Fee Slot Versions" to see previous versions of your fees.

Updating/Deactivating Fees

Conflicting Rules

If you end up with conflicting rules within a fee slot and an Item or Order meets the criteria for both of them, PatronManager will automatically choose the higher value one.

No Need for Zeros

Don't want to charge a fee in a specific scenario? Don't create a rule for it! Fees are only assessed on the rules you create, so if an item or order doesn't meet the criteria of your rules, then there's no fee.

Order Fees and Financial Reporting for Ticketable Events

If you plan on adding an Order Fee, think about how you'll log that income in your financial records. Order Fees can't be divided among individual Ticketable Events the way Item Fees are designed to be, nor can Order Fees be broken down per show for financial reporting.

Ready to set up your own fees?

Check out How to Set Up a New Fee and Edit Fees to get started.

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Next Article How to Set Up a New Fee and Edit Fees
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