PatronManager Help

How to Enable Mobile Tickets

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How to Enable Mobile Tickets:

First things first: before you can start using mobile tickets, you'll have to turn on the feature. You'll only have to do this once, and you'll know if it's on or not based on whether the option to "Enable Mobile Tickets" appears in PatronTicket Settings. If it's not there, they're already enabled!

Enabling mobile tickets involves just five steps, and it won't take long at all:

  1. Upload your mobile ticket logo
  2. Activate two Remote Site Settings
  3. Assign the mobile ticket email template
  4. Include tickets in confirmation emails for fulfilled Subscriptions
  5. Review and adjust optional fields
  6. Turn on mobile tickets!

Ready? Here we go!

Be sure to complete each step so your mobile tickets work properly!

Once you enable mobile tickets, fields related to the legacy Print-at-Home ticket will disappear. We recommend checking these fields before enabling mobile tickets to make note of any information you'd like to transfer over to mobile tickets.

Do you use the Print-at-Home ticket as your Point of Sale tickets too? If so, check out our recommendations here before enabling mobile tickets.

A small logo on tickets in Apple Wallet and Google Wallet helps patrons identify your organization. Make sure your tickets are recognizable and look great!

2. Activate two Remote Site Settings

These two settings are necessary for Google Wallet tickets. All we have to do is turn them on - it only takes a second!

Click here to activate Remote Site Settings

1. Head over to Setup

2. Search for "remote" and click on Remote Site Settings

3. Click "Edit" next to "GoogleOAuth"

4. Check the "Active" box and save

This one's done, but we've got one more to activate.

5. Now click "Edit" next to "GoogleWallet"

6. Check the "Active" box and save

Nice job! Move on to the next step.

3. Assign the Mobile Ticket email template

This email template is used when you click "Email Tickets" on a completed Ticket Order. Complete this step to ensure that email includes the mobile ticket link.

Click here to assign that email template

1. Head back to PatronTicket Settings and click "Edit"

2. Adjust the "Email Tickets Template" as shown, then save

Beside "Email Tickets Template", use the dropdown to select "PatronTicket: Mobile Ticket Template". Then scroll up (or down) to find the Save button on the page, and save!

All done! This email will now send when you use the "Email Tickets" button on a completed order.

The template reads as follows, depending on the kinds of tickets in the order:



Click the button below to access your tickets, print them if necessary, or add them to your digital wallet.

["View your tickets" button]


Your order contains tickets to one or more virtual events. To view your virtual event(s), click the button(s) below a few minutes before the listed time.

[Virtual Event button(s)]

If you'd like to customize this text, click here

Head over to Setup

Search for and click on "Classic Email Templates"

In the "PatronTicket Templates" folder, click on "Mobile Ticket Template"

Click "Edit Template"

Adjust carefully as follows

You can add your welcome message before and/or or a nice sign-off after the ticket renderer block, which is the part that looks like this, starting with "<c:VirtualTicketRenderer" on row 5, up to and including "/>" on row 9 in the image below:

You can also customize the text inside the quotation marks for the "mobileTicketLinkMessage" and/or the "virtualEventMessage" - just be sure to keep the quotation marks themselves, and don't delete either component.

The text between quotation marks in the "mobileTicketLinkMessage" (line 7 in the image above) will appear before the "View tickets link" when you send this email from a Ticket Order that contains active, non-virtual mobile tickets. This is a great place to put additional information for your patrons about mobile tickets! If the Order has no active tickets (e.g. if it only contains a membership or Virtual Event tickets), this message won't appear.

The text between quotation marks in the "virtualEventMessage" (line 8 in the image above) will appear before the Virtual Event access link(s) when you send this email from a Ticket Order that contains one or more Virtual Events. If the Order has no Virtual Event tickets, this message won't appear.

When you're finished, save!

Then send yourself a test

You can use the "Send test and verify merge fields" option and choose an example Ticket Order, or create yourself a real sample comp order.

Heads up! When you send yourself a test, the "View your tickets" link won't appear to let you view mobile tickets until after you've finished enabling mobile tickets!

Need to reset the template back to the default?

Clear out the entire template editor and paste in this code to go back to the default:

<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Here are your tickets for {!relatedTo.Name}" relatedToType="PatronTicket__TicketOrder__c" renderUsingSystemContextWithoutSharing="true" >
    <messaging:htmlEmailBody >
        <p>Dear {!relatedTo.PatronTicket__FirstName__c},</p>
        <c:VirtualTicketRenderer order="{!relatedTo}"
                mobileTicketLinkMessage="Click the button below to access your tickets, print them if necessary, or add them to your digital wallet."
                virtualEventMessage="Your order contains tickets to one or more virtual events. To view your virtual event(s), click the button(s) below a few minutes before the listed time."
Click to copy

4. Review optional fields

4.1. New Mobile Ticket fields

The mobile ticket includes several optional fields to help you get information to your patrons. Make sure those fields are set up as you intend before you enable this feature.

You can always go back and customize further later on, but you'll want to have a good baseline and any necessary details in place before you start sending out mobile tickets.

Head over to this article for a full list of these fields and instructions to adjust them.

Add info and images as you see fit, then come back here for the final step!

4.2. Confirmation email templates

Your order confirmation emails will include the link to access mobile tickets by default, but you might want to review the language to make sure it's up to date. For example, the conditional text for the "Email" delivery method may refer to a PDF attachment, which of course will no longer apply and should be removed after enabling mobile tickets.

If you only want to change the text that appears in your order confirmation email for mobile tickets, only edit the text after the line reading <apex:outputText rendered="(!relatedTo.PatronTicket__DeliveryMethod__c == 'Email')" and before the tag that closes this section, which reads </apex:outputText>.

Make sure not to add the entire code from the Mobile Ticket Template, as this will prevent your order confirmation email template from working.

4.3. Pre-show emails

This is also a great time to add the mobile ticket link to your automated pre-show emails! Just add this merge field to your pre-show email template, and note that the button will only appear for orders where the Delivery Method is "Email":

[% TicketOrder__c.MobileTicketLink %]
Click to copy

4.4. Delivery Information

You may have some text in the Delivery Information field of the Public Ticketing Site that refers to PDF or Print-at-Home tickets. You may wish to update this to reflect the switch to mobile tickets, which you can do from PatronTicket Settings with these steps.

5. Include tickets in confirmation emails for fulfilled Subscriptions

If you would like tickets to be included in order confirmation emails for fulfilled Subscriptions - for example when patrons purchase and fulfill Subscriptions online - you'll need to make sure that that the fulfillment item (individual tickets) details are turned on in your confirmation email template. Head over to How to Include Fulfillment Items in Order Confirmation Emails to check if it's already there, and if not, go ahead and add it.

Note that this is a change from the way the PDF attachments work. PDF tickets were automatically included whether or not fulfillment item details were turned on in confirmation emails, so make sure to take this step if you'd like tickets to be sent when patrons purchase and fulfill their Subscriptions!

6. Turn on mobile tickets!

Once you've completed the steps above, you're ready to enable mobile tickets!

Mobile tickets cannot be disabled. This is to ensure accessibility, avoid confusion around legacy Print-at-Home PDF tickets, and ensure all the tickets your patrons receive continue to work as expected.

Make sure you've completed the steps above before you turn on mobile tickets.

6.1. Head over to PatronTicket Settings and click "Edit"

6.2. Check "Enable Mobile Tickets" and save!

You'll find the "Enable Mobile Tickets" checkbox near the bottom of the first section. Check the box, scroll back to the top of the page to find the "Save" button, and save!

Once you've enabled mobile tickets, the "Enable Mobile Tickets" checkbox will disappear, along with fields related to the (now disabled) legacy Print-at-Home ticket. If you don't see the checkbox to "Enable Mobile Tickets", that means it's already enabled!

And that's all there is to it! Now your patrons will receive mobile tickets as outlined in this article.

Need to make further changes to your mobile ticket fields? This article will show you how.

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Next Article How to Customize Mobile Tickets
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