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Subscription Renewal Tool: Managing Seat Assignments

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Subscription Renewal Tool: Managing Seat Assignments:

In most cases, you will only have to follow these instructions the first time you renew your subscriptions. On this first renewal, we need to establish a permanent record of the subscribers' seat assignments -- the seats they will renew into year after year. 

In this step of subscription rollover, you'll click a button and the system will go through and try to figure out what seats each subscriber is supposed to have. 

The algorithm for "figuring out" those seat assignments is pretty good at it, but if you've done a lot of exchanges on any particular subscriber's order, you might need to jump in and help. This lesson will walk you through how to manage this.

1. Pick one Subscription Series and Compute Seat Assignments

1.1. We'll keep working with "First Fridays". Click on the name of the Series:

The process will start automatically, and update you on the progress as it runs.

1.3. If all goes perfectly, you'll see this when it's done:

It's a list of all the Contacts who bought a subscription from this series last year, along with their seats. In this example, all the Seat Assignments are rated "High Confidence"! That means that we're very sure that we're right that these are their seats -- but you don't have to take our word for it. Click on the "Manage Seat Assignments" link to see for yourself:

You can see the seats on the map, and then click through to the Ticket Order we used to determine her seat locations, so you can double-check our work.

If you check a few and everything looks good, you're ready to move on to the third step of subscription renewals.

But what if it's not that simple?

2. Handling Conflicts

If you've done lots of exchanges, we can't always figure out programmatically what every subscribers' seats are supposed to be. That's where you come in. Here's a rundown of all the "warning messages" you might see.

2.1. "Medium Confidence" or "Low Confidence"

This means we're not certain the seats we've come up with are the right ones. Click on the Manage Seat Assignments link to get to the order we based the guess on, and look at the existing and deleted fulfillment items to figure out what seats actually belong to Peggy. (Or, if you have imported subscriber data and stored their seat assignments on the Contact record, go look there and see if we got it right.)

2.2. "Conflicting"

This means that we're not sure about MULTIPLE subscribers, and we're so not-sure that we've ended up guessing that two people belong in the same seat. That's not possible! You'll need to do some detective work (as described above) to figure out where each of them belongs, and adjust their seat assignments accordingly.

2.3. Subscriptions Possibly Fulfilled "Outside-of-Series"

If someone bought a First Fridays subscription, but then upgraded to a Saturday subscription instead, you might see this message. It depends on how you handled those subscription upgrades. If you actually exchanged out the subscription package itself, everything will be fine, but if instead you just exchanged all the fufillment items, the system will recognize that it isn't really a "First Fridays" package anymore and assume that you don't actually want to renew the patron into that package. In these cases, you'll need to process that subscriber's renewal manually.


2.4. Unfulfilled or Unqualified Subscriptions

We can't create seat assignments for seats that don't exist! And we can't create seat assignments without a Contact to assign them to. So before you try to compute seat assignments, make sure all of last year's subscription orders are fulfilled and qualified.

After you've reviewed all the seat assignments for a series and made sure that you have "High Confidence" in all of them, you're ready to process renewals.

Previous Article Subscription Renewal Tool: Building "Series" From Your Subscription Packages
Next Article Subscription Renewal Tool: Map Last Year to This Year, and Process Renewals
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