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How to Set Up a Pick Later (Flex Pass) Subscription

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How to Set Up a Pick Later (Flex Pass) Subscription:

This article will walk you through the basics of building a Pick Later (Flex Pass) subscription. As suggested by the name, this type of subscription gives your patrons a package consisting of "voucher" tickets that can be redeemed for actual Event Instances later.

We'll go over:

  1. What a Pick Later (Flex Pass) subscription is
  2. How to build your Pick Later (Flex Pass) subscription

Ready? Let's jump in!

What is a Pick Later subscription?

A Pick Later subscription, also called a Flex Pass, allows your patrons to purchase a set number of vouchers that are exchanged for tickets to a specific performance later. This means they can subscribe without making decisions about exactly what they want to see in your season. This is also the only kind of subscription you can set up if your full season hasn't been decided on yet.

This article will walk you through the basics of setting up a Pick Later Subscription. There are a lot of potential variations for how you can structure things, but we'll use the most common setup here.

Before You Begin

A Pick Later Subscription does not require you to have your single ticket events set up, or even to have your season fully planned.

Still, some decisions about how many vouchers to offer, and how to price them, will be easier if you know the price points for your pick later subscription packages and how many vouchers are included in each package.

Part I - Create Vouchers

1. Head to the PatronTicket Hub and go to Event Inventory

Warning! The vouchers you create here should be *new* or *newly cloned* events

Why? If you don't start with new events, you may encounter problems with exchanges and reporting.

Here's an article about cloning events if you need to brush up on the concept.

2. Click on "New Ticketable Event"

3. Call the event something like "vouchers" and choose "Tickets" as the type, then click "Save"

The reason you're choosing "Tickets" instead of "Subscription" is that you're just creating the vouchers right now - you'll bundle them into a subscription later.

4. Scroll down to the bottom section and click "New"

5. Fill in the fields as indicated and click "Save"

  1. Name: Once again, you'll want to call this Instance something like "Vouchers"
  2. Instance Date: Set the Instance Date to the end of your season (the last performance that someone could possibly exchange their vouchers for)
  3. Sale End Date: Set the sale end date to whenever you want to stop selling this subscription
  4. Seating Type: Leave the seating type as GA
  5. Sale Start Date: Set the Sale Start Date to whenever you want to start selling this subscription
  6. Save

6. Scroll down to the "Ticket Allocations" section and click "New Ticket Allocation"

7. Call the allocation something like "Placeholder", set the sale status to "Private" and set "Original Quantity" to the number of vouchers you want to sell (if you're not sure, use a high number). Click "Save and Create Level"

8. Create a price level for each voucher you'll need

And Now For Some Math

In PatronManager, the total cost of the subscription is the sum of all of the price levels in the subscription. 

This means that you should divide the total cost of your pick later subscription by the number of vouchers included in that subscription. The resulting number should be the cost of your subscription price levels. Sometimes the numbers won't divide evenly, in which case you can make one voucher price levels slightly different from one another.

  1. Number each price level sequentially (i.e. Voucher 1, 2, and 3). Price them with the math you did earlier, set the Fee to $0, and set the visibility to "Subscription".
  2. When you're done, click "Save".
Part II - Create Subscription

1. Head back to Event Inventory and click "New Ticketable Event"

2. Name your subscription, and choose "Subscription" as the type

This subscription will potentially be for sale on your website, so be sure to fill out the information accordingly. When you're done, click "Save"

Want patrons who buy this subscription to automatically receive a subscriber badge? Set the "Subscriber Badge" picklist to "Current"!

You can change this value at any point, and badges for your patrons will automatically update the following day.

3. Scroll down to the bottom section and click "New"

4. Fill out the information as indicated and click "Save"

  1. Name: Give your package an appropriate name
  2. Instance Date: use the last day you want these vouchers to be valid
    • If you use Condensed View on your Public Ticketing Site, the Instance Date also determines the display orders of your events and subscriptions.
  3. Sale End Date: fill this in with whenever you want to stop selling these vouchers
  4. Sale Start Date: fill this in with the onsale date and time
  5. Subscription Type: choose "Pick Later"
  6. Save

Make sure that you pick the correct Subscription Type! After associating Price Levels with this subscription, you won't be able to change the Subscription Type anymore.

5. Click "New Ticket Allocation"

6. Name your allocation, set the Sale Status to "Public", and fill in the number of subscriptions you want to sell under "Original Quantity" - then click "Create Level"

7. Name your price level, set the Fee if applicable, and set the Visibility to "Public." When you're done, click "Save"

8. Click "Expand All"

9. Under your newly created price level, click "View/Edit Price Levels(0)"

Not seeing any Price Levels?  Make sure the Ticketable Events and the Event Instances that you're filtering for are set to "Active".

10. Use the filters to find the vouchers you created in Part I

11. Select the voucher price levels and click "Associate Selected Price Levels"

13. You'll see that the subscription price level now costs the same as the total of all the vouchers

If you want to build different levels of Pick Later Subscriptions, we recommend building them as different Subscription Instances, which means you'll start at step 3 for each package.

So, for example, if you want to offer a Full Subscription, a 4 pack, and a 3 pack, each of those packages should be a different Subscription Instance.

You're done!

When your patrons are ready to redeem their vouchers for tickets to shows, you'll seat them following these instructions.

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