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Subscription Renewal Tool: Map Last Year to This Year, and Process Renewals

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Subscription Renewal Tool: Map Last Year to This Year, and Process Renewals:

Once you've created Series for all your renewing subscription packages, and made sure that all subscribers have correct seat assignments, you're ready to map last year's season of the subscription series to this years and then automatically process renewals. 

This will create Ticket Orders for all of last year's subscribers, already "fulfilled" with the correct seats. The orders will be in the "Pending Renewal" status -- like a Reservation -- until you get confirmation and payment from each subscriber. Run a report on those orders so you can send out a renewal mailing.


Before you begin, be sure that the Allocation names for the seats that you're mapping exactly match the Allocation names from last year. If they don't, this process will fail. If any don't match, you can go to the Event Instances and edit the Allocation names to match before you begin - you can change them back once you're done.

1. Create Renewal Mappings

1.1. Again, you'll do this one Series at a time. Pick one and click on the name:

1.3. You'll see a list of all the subscription Price Levels from last season, and a list of dropdown fields where you choose the appropriate "this year" Price Level to match them with

If your upcoming or previous subscription includes events that take place in more than one Venue, you'll see more options under Venue Mappings!

1.4. When you're done, click "Save Mappings."

Not seeing the right Price Levels in the "Previous Price Levels" column? You can review the Price Levels that were associated with the last season by going back to your past season under that series.

2. Process Renewals

The renewal process will begin and update you on its progress as it goes:

2.3. When it's done, you'll get an email confirmation, plus you'll see a new "Renewal Log" at the bottom of this screen:

2.4. Click into the Renewal Log to see the list of all the "Pending Renewal" Ticket Orders that got created.

Most of them should be marked as "Filled" already (one of the main benefits of this process is that you don't have to fulfill all these Orders yourself) -- if you see some that are still "Awaiting Fulfillment," check out our Subscription Renewal Tool: Seating Subscribers article.

3. Send Renewal Emails/Letters

You have a few options for sending out renewal notices. You can click through to any individual Order to send a renewal email to that Contact:

The email template is called "Subscription Renewal Template" and it looks like this:

If you want to make changes to this text, update the Subscription Renewal Template.

If you're already using PatronPortal, or are interested in getting started, patrons can actually complete their subscription renewals themselves from within the Portal, as a completely self-service process.

To send a printed mailing, you have two main options:

  • One is to use a third-party app called CongaMerge. Conga offers some powerful mail merge features, but it is limited in how it can be used, and it's not free.
  • The other option is to create a subscription renewal for mail merge report, export your data to Microsoft Excel, or a similar program, and do a normal mail merge. Please contact us, and we'll look at the letter you want to send and help you figure out which of these two options is right for you. Whichever way you decide to go, we'll be happy to advise you.
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