PatronManager Help

How to Use the Door List Report

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How to Use the Door List Report:

The Door List report gives you a list of attendees for your performances without seating information, making it great for General Admission events.  In this article, we'll show you how to use the report, customize it, and troubleshoot scenarios where the report isn't working as expected.  

Specifically, we'll cover:

  1. How to run the Door List report
  2. How to customize the Door List report
  3. What to do if the report isn't working as expected
The Door List Report

How to run the Door List report

When you want to use the Door List report, you'll run it via a link on the Event Instance.

Let's find out who's coming to our event!

1. Head to the PatronTicket Hub and go to Event Inventory

In the PatronTicket Hub, click Event Inventory

2. Click the Ticketable Event you want to report on

Use the filters to find your Ticketable Event quickly.  After all, few of us truly love to scroll through long lists.

Click your Ticketable Event

3. Click on the Event Instance you'll run the report for

Click your Event Instance
Click the link for the Door List report for this Instance

5. Here's the report!

The Door List report
  1. Groupings: The report is grouped by the Event Instance Name
  2. Columns: The columns show the Ticket Order, Ticket Order Item (individual tickets), the First and Last Name of the patron, Quantity, Payment Method, Order Status, and any Comments from the Ticket Order

How do I customize the Door List report?

Though the Door List report provides a wealth of information as-is, you may want to pull more Contact fields into the report than are available in this packaged report. For instance, you may want to include whether the patron is a VIP, a Board Member, or a major donor.

We can't customize the packaged report, but don't worry - we can build a new report with these fields and replace the packaged report with the new one. Let's learn how!

If the field you want to add to your Door List already exists on the packaged report, like Delivery Method or Contact Email, you can add those fields as columns to your packaged report.

Customize the report here

1. Click on the gear and go to Setup

Go to Setup

2. Search for and click on Report Types

Find and select Report Types

3. Click on the letter T to narrow your results, then click the TOs with TOIs and Event Instance Info report type

Select the TOs with TOIs and Event Instance Info report type

4. Click "Clone"

Click Clone

5. Fill in the following information:

Fill in the information
  1. Report Type Label: TOs with TOIs and Event Instance Info CUSTOM
  2. Report Type Name: TOs_with_TOIs_and_Event_Instance_Info_CUSTOM (auto-populates based on the Report Name Label)
  3. Description: More available fields than the standard "TOs with TOIs and Event Instance Info" report type with custom fields
  4. Report Type Category: Other Reports
  5. Deployment Status: Deployed
  6. Click "Save"

6. Click "Edit Layout" in the Fields Available for Reports section

Click Edit Layout
Click Add fields related via lookup
Click Contact

9. Click "Select All" to check all the Contact fields, then click "OK"

Click Select All, then OK

10. Click "Save"

Click Save

Now that we've added custom fields to our custom report type, we'll build a new report and replace the old one with it.

11. Click on the App Launcher and head to the Reports tab

Go to Reports

12. Go to the All Report tab in the left panel - search for and click on the Door List Template, w/EI ID report

Find and select Door List Template, w/EI ID

13. Expand the arrow next to "Edit" and click "Delete"

Delete the report

14. Click "Confirm"

Not to worry! We'll rebuild this report with our custom report type in the next series of steps.


15. Click "New Report"

Click New Report

16. Search for and select the TOs with TOIs and Event Instance Info CUSTOM report type, and click "Continue"

Select the TOs with TOIs and Event Instance Info CUSTOM report type

17. Time to rebuild the report! Add "Event Instance: Name" as your grouping

Add Event Instance: Name as a Group

18. Stay in the Outline pane and set your columns up

Columns fields

In order, these should be:

  1. Ticket Order Name
  2. Ticket Order Item Name
  3. First Name
  4. Last Name
  5. # Quantity
  6. Payment Method
  7. Order Status

19. Add your custom field(s) to the report as columns

Add custom field

Here's we're adding our custom Superhero Badge field.

20. In the Filters pane, set your filters to:

  1. Show Me All ticket orders
  2. Created Date All Time
Add a filter for Event Instance: ID

22. Set the criteria for your new filter:

Set the filter to equals ""
  1. Operator: equals
  2. Value: leave this blank
  3. Click "Apply"
Add a filter to Ticket Order Item Status

24. Set the criteria for your filter:

Set filter criteria
  1. Operator: not equal to
  2. Value: Deleted
  3. Locked: Checked
  4. Click "Apply"

25. Click "Save"

Click Save

26. Fill in the information exactly as pictured:

Fill in the information
  1. Report Name: Door List Template, w/EI ID
  2. Report Unique Name: Door_List_Template_with_EI_ID
  3. Report Description: Used for running the door list from any given Event Instance page - with custom fields.
  4. Folder: PatronTicket Reports 3.0
  5. Click "Save"

If the unique name isn't


exactly as shown, the report link on the Event Instance won't work!

27. Go back to the Event Instance you want to report on and click on the "Ticket Buyer Report" link

Go back to your Event Instance and click the Ticket-buyer Report link

28. The report now includes the custom fields you added!

Final report with custom field

Like the pretty badge in the screenshot above? Learn how to make badges here.

We've outlined a couple scenarios and how to resolve them below.

Missing link on Event Instance

When the Ticket-buyer report link on the Event Instance disappears, it likely means the template report was deleted. You can recover it from the Recycle Bin!

The Recycle Bin keeps deleted items for 15 days before it purges those deleted records. If the report was deleted more than 15 days ago, you'll need to rebuild the report.

Didn't find the report? Not to worry - that version may be gone forever, but you can rebuild the report.

Rebuild the report here
1. Click "Switch to Lightning Experience"
Click Switch to Lightning Experience

Want a video demo? See our full instructions on switching between Lightning and Classic.

2. Head to the Reports tab
Click the Reports tab
3. Click "New Report"
Click New Report
4. Search and select the "TOs with TOIs and Event Instance Info" report type, and click "Continue"

If your organization built a custom "TOs with TOIs and Event Instance Info" report with custom fields, you'll select the "TOs with TOIs and Event Instance Info CUSTOM" report type.

Find and select TOs with TOIs and Event Instance Info, then Continue
5. Time to rebuild the report! Add "Event Instance: Name" as your  grouping
Add Event Instance: Name to your Groups
6. Stay in the Outline pane and set your columns up
Set up Columns fields

In order, these should be:

  1. Ticket Order Name
  2. Ticket Order Item Name
  3. First Name
  4. Last Name
  5. # Quantity
  6. Payment Method
  7. Order Status
7. In the Filters pane, set your filters to:
Set filters
  1. Show Me All ticket orders
  2. Created Date All Time
8. Search for and select Event Instance: ID in the filters search bar
Find and select Event Instance: ID
9. Set the criteria for your new filter:
Set criteria for the Event Instance: ID filter
  1. Operator: equals
  2. Value: leave this blank
  3. Click "Apply"
Find and select Status as a filter

Make sure it's the one under Ticket Order Items!

11. Set the criteria for your new filter:
Set up filter
  1. Operator: not equal to
  2. Value: Deleted
  3. Locked: checked
  4. Click "Apply"
12. Click "Save"
14. Fill in the information exactly as pictured:
Fill out the Properties
  1. Report Name: Door List Template, w/EI ID
  2. Report Unique Name: Door_List_Template_with_EI_ID
  3. Report Description: Used for running the door list from any given Event Instance page - with custom fields.
  4. Folder: PatronTicket Reports 3.0
  5. Click "Save

If the unique name isn't


exactly as shown, the report link on the Event Instance won't work!

The Ticket-buyer Report link is back on the Event Instance

The report returns no results

No Results

If you click on the Door List report link on the Event Instance and the report returns zero results, certain filters might be locked. To resolve this issue, head over to our Help article about how to unlock report filters.

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