PatronManager Help

How to Relabel Things on the PTS

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How to Relabel Things on the PTS:

The Public Ticketing Site (PTS) supports specific types of customization and relabeling, using a mix of built-in Salesforce functionality and PatronManager settings.

In this article, we'll cover:

We recommend setting aside +/- 2 hours to understand the process and complete the steps, depending on the type/quantity of adjustments you're making.

Heads up!

These changes can cause issues if done incorrectly and can have effects throughout the system; therefore we recommend these changes be made only by your Certified PatronManager Admin.

What can I relabel?

Right now, it's possible to relabel the following things on the PTS:

Header links: Subscriptions, Memberships, and Events

This article will show you how to relabel each of these links.

You can also redirect or hide each link.

"Buy" buttons

Keep in mind that these buttons are used for all things sold on the PTS; you may not want to change "Buy" to something like "Get Tickets!" if you also sell subscriptions and/or memberships.

All fields on the Buyer Info page during checkout:

Name, Address, Comments, etc. -- everything outlined in the image below:

Great! How do I relabel those things?

First things first: let's get ready

Before we can relabel anything on the PTS, we need to turn on the tool we're going to use and set up some defaults.

Let's do it

1. Enable Translation Workbench

Heads up! Translation Workbench is a powerful Salesforce tool that can have wide-ranging effects throughout the system.

We ONLY recommend using it as specifically outlined in this article, as extensive relabeling can have unanticipated results, cause confusion among users, and make it difficult for our team to provide support later on.

Head over to Setup
Search for "translation", click "Translation Settings", then click "Enable"

2. Make "English" an active language, and set allowed translators

Depending on your configuration, you may already see "English" as an option, like this:

If you do, click "Edit" next to "English". If not, click "Add" under "Supported Languages" to add it:

Choose "English" from the dropdown, make sure the "Active" box is checked, add your user to the "Selected List" of translators, and save

Finished that setup? Now go forth and relabel!

"How" depends on what you're trying to change. Let's go section by section.

I want to relabel header links (Subscriptions, Memberships, Events)

No problem! The process for renaming each is essentially the same, with one extra step if you're relabeling memberships or subscriptions.

Did you want to redirect one of those header links (for example, so that clicking "Memberships" sends the patron to a page on your website), or hide one entirely (for example, if you don't sell subscriptions at all)?

You can do that too -- head over to our Getting Started Guide to learn how.

1. Head to setup and search for custom labels

2. Whoa, what's all this? Don't panic -- click the "P"

                                               "P" stands for "[Don't] Panic"

3. That's better. Now find the labels for the thing you want to change, and click on the Name of the singular one:

Click the name of the label, NOT the "Edit" link.

Note that each option will have two versions: a singular version and a plural version. You'll need to update both, one at a time.

4. Click "New Local Translations/Overrides" in the "Local Translations/Overrides" section

Note: don't try to override the "Value" in the top section of the page -- that won't help you here.

5. Set the Language to "English", enter your preferred override text in the "Translation Text" box, and save

Remember, this is for the singular label ("Season Pass", not "Season Passes")

When you're finished it'll look something like this:

And if you navigate back to the custom label, you'll see your new translation/override here:

If you need to revert back to the default, just click "Del" next to the local translation/override to remove it.

Repeat steps 1-5 for the plural version of the same field

The system can't pluralize it automatically -- we don't want "Season Pass" to become "Season Passs", after all! You'll need to repeat the above steps to tell the system what the plural version of the new label should be.

One more step if you're relabeling Subscriptions or Memberships

If you're relabeling Events, congratulations, you're all done! If you're relabeling Subscriptions or Memberships, there's one final step to make sure certain email templates use the new label.

PatronManager contains two packaged email templates that use the word "Subscription", and two that use the word "Membership". We need to tell the system to use our new custom label override instead. Follow the steps for the thing(s) you're relabeling below:

Adjust subscription email templates

There are two templates we need to adjust: "Subscription Order Confirmation Template" and "Subscription Renewal Template".

1. Head over to Setup, search for "template" or "email t", and click on "Classic Email Templates"
2. Set the dropdown to "PatronTicket Templates", find the first of the two templates in the list, and click on the template name

Remember, we're doing these steps for two different templates

3. Edit the template
4. Replace the word "subscription" with a special merge field

The word "subscription" is used in the text of the default "Subscription Renewal Template" five times, and in the default "Subscription Order Confirmation Template" six times, but since it's possible for users to customize the template, be sure to read it carefully to make sure you catch and replace them all. We recommend replacing the actual word with a merge field to reference the label, so it will stay up to date if the label changes in future.

Here's an example of a default template:

Replace that word with the below merge field each time it appears. Be sure to space it correctly, and paste it just like this:

Click to copy

You can't just Find:Replace (although CTRL+F can be helpful to check your work)!

Why? The word "subscription" is also used in a different merge field in the template that references code (rather than just plain text).

5. Save, and repeat the steps for the second template
Adjust membership email templates

There are two templates we need to adjust: "Membership Order Confirmation Template" and "Partial Payment Receipt Template".

1. Head over to Setup, search for "template" or "email t", and click on "Classic Email Templates"
2. Set the dropdown to "PatronTicket Templates", find the first of the two templates in the list, and click on the template name

Remember, we're doing these steps for two different templates

3. Edit the template
4. Replace the word "membership" with a special merge field

The word "membership" is used in the text of the default "Membership Order Confirmation Template" three times, and in the default "Partial Payment Receipt Template" just once, but since it's possible for users to customize the template, be sure to read it carefully to make sure you catch and replace them all. We recommend replacing the actual word with a merge field to reference the label, so it will stay up to date if the label changes in future.

Here's an example of a default template:

Replace that word with the below merge field each time it appears. Be sure to space it correctly, and paste it just like this:

Click to copy
5. Be careful not to change the "Membership" order type reference in the Partial Payment Receipt Template

This template also contains a reference to the Order Type field, looking for the word Membership -- that field value won't change, so you should NOT place the label there. Change the highlighted use of the word, but not the one marked out:

6. Save, and repeat the steps for the second template

Note that each of these templates also uses the word "member," which you may wish to change. You can replace that word using regular text edits, rather than with a label merge field.

I want to relabel the "Buy" buttons

Great, let's do it!

Remember: the PTS uses these buttons across the board, for single ticket events and also for subscriptions and memberships. Make sure the new word you choose will work in all contexts.

1. Head to setup and search for custom labels

2. Whoa, what's all this? Don't panic -- click the "P"

                                               "P" stands for "[Don't] Panic"

3. That's better. Now click "pmgr_lbl_Buy"

Click the name of the label, NOT the "Edit" link.

4. Click "New Local Translations/Overrides" in the "Local Translations/Overrides" section

Note: don't try to override the "Value" in the top section of the page -- that won't help you here.

5. Set the Language to "English", enter your preferred override text in the "Translation Text" box, and save

When you're finished it'll look something like this:

And if you navigate back to the custom label, you'll see your new translation/override here:

If you need to revert back to the default, just click "Del" next to the local translation/override to remove it.

I want to relabel checkout fields (State > Province, Email > E-Mail, etc)

All the fields shown here have been relabeled:

You can currently relabel all the input fields on the Buyer Info page, as well as the header of the "Other Information" section that appears if there are custom fields in use. If you'd like to relabel something else, see here.

Name/Address/Phone/Email fields

Maybe you're outside the US and need "State" to read "State/Province", for example. These fields are easy to adjust -- though heads up: there is a 40-character limit.

That means you can change "Email Opt-In" to "Receive news and announcement emails", for example, but you can't change it to "Check this box to opt-in to receive future news and announcement emails from Rainbow Theatre".

While you can change the "Email" field using the steps below, the "Confirm Email" field is special, and if you're changing one you'll likely want to change both -- see below for that.

1. Head to setup, search for "translation", and select "Override" under Translation Workbench
2. Choose "PatronTicket" for the Package
3. Make sure the Language is set to "English"
4. Choose "Custom Field" for the Setup Component
5. Choose "Ticket Order" for the Object
6. Leave the Aspect set to "Field Label"
7. Scroll down and find the first field you want to relabel in the list

You may need to click "Next" to view more fields:

8. Enter your new label(s) in the "Field Label Override" column, and save

Double-click in that area to edit, and type in your new value. You can click out of the field to enter labels for multiple fields on the same page, but be sure to click "Save" before navigating away:

Once you've saved your changes the new values will be in normal text, like this:

9. If it's an address field, be sure to update all versions of the field

Remember that most address fields have two versions: the 'normal' version of the field (i.e. "State") and the 'Shipping' version that appears if the buyer chooses "Ship" as their delivery method (i.e. "Shipping State"). Be sure to update both versions of the field for consistency:

To remove a label override and revert back to the default, just double-click again, clear the value in the Field Label Override column, and save.

"Comments" field

If you're relabeling the "Comments" field, keep in mind that it can already be relabeled in PatronTicket Settings, to show a different label if the Ticket Order contains a subscription:

If your goal for relabeling the "Comments" field is specific to subscriptions, you should use this PatronTicket Settings option, which will only change the field label for those particular kinds of Orders.

If your goal is to have the field relabeled for all kinds of Ticket Orders, use the relabeling option outlined for Name/Address/etc. above.

If both "Comments" label overrides are defined (the Translation Workbench version outlined above, and the Subscription Comments Label in PatronTicket Settings), the system will "override the override" for Subscription Orders with the label defined in PatronTicket Settings.

If the Order does not contain a subscription, it will use the Translation Workbench custom label override instead.

"Confirm Email" field

Perhaps you want to change "Email" to, for example, "E-Mail" to better match your branding.

This adjustment requires two steps because the Confirm Email field works differently. First, follow the instructions above to take care of the normal "Email" field. Then come back here to handle "Confirm Email".

1. Head to setup and search for custom labels
2. Whoa, what's all this? Don't panic -- click the "P"
3. That's better. Now click "pmgr_lbl_ConfirmEmail"

Click the name of the label, NOT the "Edit" link.

4. Click "New Local Translations/Overrides" in the "Local Translations/Overrides" section

Note: don't try to override the "Value" in the top section of the page -- that won't help you here.

5. Set the Language to "English", enter your preferred override text in the "Translation Text" box, and save.

When you're finished it'll look like this:

And if you navigate back to the custom label, you'll see your new translation/override here:

If you need to revert back to the default, just click "Del" next to the local translation/override to remove it.

"Other Information" header

If you're using custom fields to collect info on the checkout page, you'll have a header in that section that reads "Other Information". You may wish to label it something more specifically related to the custom fields you have on the page.

1. Head to setup and search for custom labels
2. Whoa, what's all this? Don't panic -- click the "P"
3. That's better. Now click "pmgr_lbl_OtherInformation"

Click the name of the label, NOT the "Edit" link.

4. Click "New Local Translations/Overrides" in the "Local Translations/Overrides" section

Note: don't try to override the "Value" in the top section of the page -- that won't help you here.

5. Set the Language to "English", enter your preferred override text in the "Translation Text" box, and save

When you're finished it'll look like this:

And if you navigate back to the custom label, you'll see your new translation/override here:

If you need to revert back to the default, just click "Del" next to the local translation/override to remove it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I want to relabel something else?

Translation Workbench is a powerful tool that can have wide-ranging and unanticipated effects, cause confusion among users, and make it difficult for our team to provide support.

We don't recommend using it outside the specific instructions provided above.

Relabeling other things on the new PTS may be possible eventually, but right now, the options are limited to those mentioned above.

It is not currently possible to relabel anything else, including:

  • Discount Code
  • Fields and headers within Portal

If you'd like to make an adjustment that isn't possible today:

Suggest a Product Idea in the Community! Be sure to tell us:

  • What (specifically) you want to change
    • e.g. "'Discount Code' during checkout"
  • How you want it relabeled
    • e.g. "I'd like it to say 'Promo Code' instead"
  • Why you'd like to relabel it
    • e.g. "To be consistent with our branding" or "Because that's what our rental venue calls it, and they can't change it on their end"

We'll take your suggestions into consideration for future improvements to the PTS. Thank you!

Where does relabeling take effect?

This varies depending on several factors, including the method used to relabel the thing, the type of thing being relabeled, and where you're looking. Here are a few general rules:

PatronManager Box Office contains hard-coded labels

Because PatronManager Box Office works differently than normal Salesforce pages, it can't use most label overrides. You'll typically continue to see the default PatronManager/Salesforce field names and labels in PMBO.

Reports and normal Salesforce page layouts will (mostly) use new field names, but not custom labels

Because Translation Workbench is a Salesforce tool, using the process outlined above to relabel fields like "State" (as opposed to custom labels, like "Subscription") will typically take effect in "normal Salesforce" as well.

Keep in mind the object that contains the fields you've actually relabeled, though -- for example, if you followed the steps above to relabel the "State" field...

  • You will see that change in: Ticket Order-based reports, and on the "Ticket Orders" related list on Contact/Account pages.
    • Why? You've relabeled the field on the Ticket Order object
  • You won't see that change in: the "Mailing State" field on a Contact, or the "Billing State" field on an Account.
    • Why? Those fields belong to different objects.

The effect in other parts of the system varies

We've focused on ways to relabel elements on the Public Ticketing Site, and tested those changes in other parts of PatronManager. Some changes might spread more widely, or need further adjusting elsewhere.

For example, email templates: we've outlined above how to adjust the default PatronManager templates as needed if you're relabeling Subscriptions or Memberships, but if you're using other custom email templates or making other changes, you may need to adjust those manually.

I relabeled (X), but I'm still seeing the old word on the PTS!

Before you get discouraged, check to see if the place you're seeing the old term is hard-coded into the site, or if it might be appearing in a field that's customizable elsewhere in the system, like the Ticketable Event or Event Instance Detail. In this example, we've relabeled "Events" in the header, but we're still seeing the word "Event" on the PTS here:

But on closer inspection, we can see that the word "Event" has just been placed in the "Detail" field on that Ticketable Event, which you can edit directly:

How do I turn it off/go back to default labels?

You'll need to manually delete the override/translation you created. We've included a tip on how to do that at the end of each section above, so navigate to the instructions for relabeling the field in question, and follow that tip to see how to revert it back to normal.

Note: disabling Translation Workbench only disables new translations/overrides; it does not undo any relabeling you've already done.

Nice job! You're a relabeling pro!

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