PatronManager Help

How to Fix the "Unable to create new seat preferences" Error

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How to Fix the "Unable to create new seat preferences" Error:

The "Unable to create new seat preferences" error appears for two reasons:

  • When you may have tried to sell a subscription seat twice
  • When an outdated Subscription Seat Assignment remains on a Contact.

This article will breakdown what steps to follow to help resolve this error, and get you back to selling subscriptions in no time.

If you want more information on Subscription Seat Assignments, check out our article here.

Unable to create new seat preferences error

1. Go to the Contact Record for the Patron in the error message

Contact Name and ID in error

2. Go to the Ticket Orders related list, and find the most recent completed Ticket Order with the Type "Tickets; Subscription"

If you don't see the Type field on your related list, add it to the page layout.

Check Ticket Orders

Double check to make sure this patron is the correct owner of the seats. If they are the correct patron, then you will need to decide if you want to reassign your patron or find new seats for your Ticket Order.

Continue to the next step if you would like to reassign your patron's seats

Subscription Seat Assignment

The Subscription Order Item name on the Subscription Seat Assignment will match the Subscription Order Item name on the subscription

4. Find the name of the Contact in question on this list, and click "Manage Seat Assignments"

5. Unassign seats the patron is no longer using and click "Save Changes"

Seats in green with a person icon on them represent the patron's current Subscription Seat Assignments. Unassign any seats the patron is not using by clicking on the seat, until it no longer has a person icon on it.

Once you're done, it should look like this. Click "Save Changes".

6. Go back to the original Ticket Order and finish assigning the subscriber their seats!

If you received another error message while trying to complete your order, review our Subscription Renewals: Managing Seat Assignments article.

Previous Article Best Practices: Process Renewals without the Subscription Renewal Tool
Next Article All About Pick Your Own Seat (PYOS) Subscriptions
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