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Updating Images, Language, and Video on your PTS:
Your Public Ticketing Site (PTS) is pretty customizable, not in the least of which through content. In this article, we'll cover all the places you can control copy, images, and videos, and we'll also give you sizing/format recommendations for the things you upload.
First, gather these images/videos from your marketing team:
- Click here for Grouped by Event view
- Click here for Chronological by Instance view
Now, you're ready to add/update content:
- Sidebar content
- Event thumbnails on your Events landing page (Grouped by Event view)
- Event copy/description on your Events landing page (Grouped by Event view)
- Large event images on your Events landing page (Grouped by Event view)
- Copy, images, and videos on the event detail page (Grouped by Event view)
- Copy and images under "See details" on your Events landing page (Chronological by Instance view)
Subscriptions landing page:
- Sidebar content
- Copy/detail for each option on your Subscriptions landing page
Memberships landing page:
- Sidebar content
- Thumbnails on your Memberships landing page
- Copy/description on your Memberships landing page
- Large images on the membership detail page
- Copy, images, and videos on the membership detail page
Checkout path:
- Delivery Information copy
- Suggested donation page image, video, and copy
- Personal Pronouns on Buyer Info Page
- Accessibility Requirements on Buyer Info Page
- Order confirmation page image, video, and copy
- All pages:
At the end, we'll answer some Frequently Asked Questions. Let's get started!
First, gather these materials from your Marketing Department
Wait! Grouped by Event? Chronological by Instance? How do I know which view I'm using?
Good question - check out our Theme Builder article for more info.
Here's a materials checklist for Grouped by Event view:
Here's a materials checklist for Chronological by Instance view:
Alright, time to add/update content!
1. Sidebar content of your Events page
The sidebar of your Events landing page can contain formatted text, images, and embedded video/audio.
1.4. Scroll down until you find the Events Content section
This is a rich text field, meaning you can add formatted text, images, and embedded video/audio:

- Add text anywhere using the built-in text controls
- Add images: click the image icon; you'll first need to upload it to your Documents tab
- Sizing recommendation: at least 510 pixels wide
- Embedded video: click the Source code icon (< >) and paste in the embed code from YouTube/Vimeo in the Source Code popup where you want your video to appear
- Sizing recommendations: adjust width to "100%" and height to "287"
- See below for an example
- Embedded audio: click the Source code icon (< >) and paste in the embed code from YouTube/Vimeo in the Source Code popup where you want your audio to appear
- Sizing recommendations: adjust width to "100%" and leave height alone
- See below for an example
Video embed code example:
<iframe width="100%" height="287" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Here's what it looks like in the popup:
Audio embed code example:
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
Here's what it looks like in the popup:
2. Event thumbnails on your Events page (Grouped by Event view)
In Expanded view, each Ticketable Event can have its own thumbnail:
2.4. Add or update your Small Image
Be sure to pay attention to the file size recommendations on this page!
- Click Choose File to select an image file from your device to upload
- Add Small Image Alt Text, which will display if someone is unable to view the image; this field is optional because Web Accessibility Guidelines recommend adding this for images that include information or context, but not for images that are purely decorative
- Click Update Images
3. Event copy/description on your Events page (Grouped by Event view)
In Grouped by Event view, each Ticketable Event can have a short description:
4. Large event images on the event detail page (Grouped by Event view)
In Grouped by Event view, click into a Ticketable Event to see its detail page; at the top of this page, upload a large image.
4.4. Add or update your Large Image
Be sure to pay attention to the file size recommendations on this page!
- Click Choose File to select an image file from your device to upload
- Add Large Image Alt Text, which will display if someone is unable to view the image; this field is optional because Web Accessibility Guidelines recommend adding this for images that include information or context, but not for images that are purely decorative
- Click Update Images
5. Copy, images, and videos on the event detail page (Grouped by Event view)
In Grouped by Event view, click into a Ticketable Event to see its detail page; at the bottom of that page, add text details and embed videos/audio:
5.4. Scroll down to Detail and add your content, then scroll up and click save
This is a rich text field, meaning you can add formatted text, images, and embedded video/audio:

- Add text anywhere using the built-in text controls
- Add images: click the image icon; you'll first need to upload it to your Documents tab
- Sizing recommendations: at least 730 pixels wide
- Embed video: click the Source code icon (< >) and paste in the embed code from YouTube or Vimeo in the Source Code popup where you want the video to appear
- Sizing recommendations: adjust width to "100%" and set height to "411"
- See below for an example
- Embed audio: click the Source code icon (< >) and paste in the embed code from Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, or Apple Music in the Source Code popup where you want the audio to appear
- Sizing recommendations: adjust width to "100%" and leave height alone
- See below for an example
Video embed code example:
<iframe width="100%" height="411" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Audio embed code example:
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
6. Copy and images under "See details" on the event detail page (Chronological by Instance view)
In Chronological by Instance view, click "See details" to expand additional information; add text and/or images to this area:
6.4. Scroll down to the Detail field and add your image/text
This is a rich text field; we recommend you only add text and perhaps one image to this space:
- Add text anywhere using the built-in text controls
- Add images: click the image icon; you'll first need to upload it to your Documents tab
- Sizing recommendations: no wider than 300 pixels
7. Sidebar content of your Subscriptions landing page
The sidebar of your Subscriptions landing page can contain formatted text, images, and embedded video/audio.
7.4. Scroll down until you find the Events Content section
This is a rich text field, meaning you can add formatted text, images, and embedded video/audio:

- Add text anywhere using the built-in text controls
- Add images: click the image icon; you'll first need to upload it to your Documents tab
- Sizing recommendation: at least 510 pixels wide
- Embedded video: click the Source code icon (< >) and paste in the embed code from YouTube/Vimeo in the Source Code popup where you want the video to appear
- Sizing recommendations: adjust width to "100%" and height to "287"
- See below for an example
- Embedded audio: click the Source code icon (< >) and paste in the embed code from YouTube/Vimeo in the Source Code popup where you want the audio to appear
- Sizing recommendations: adjust width to "100%" and leave height alone
- See below for an example
Video embed code example:
<iframe width="100%" height="287" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Audio embed code example:
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
8. Copy/detail for each option on your Subscriptions landing page
Each subscription package you sell can have a short description:
9. Sidebar content of your Memberships landing page
The sidebar of your Memberships landing page can contain formatted text, images, and embedded video/audio.
9.4. Scroll down until you find the Events Content section
This is a rich text field, meaning you can add formatted text, images, and embedded video/audio:
- Add text anywhere using the built-in text controls
- Add images: click the image icon; you'll first need to upload it to your Documents tab
- Sizing recommendation: at least 510 pixels wide
- Embedded video: click the Source code icon (< >) and paste in the embed code from YouTube/Vimeo in the Source Code popup where you want the video to appear
- Sizing recommendations: adjust width to "100%" and height to "287"
- See below for an example
- Embedded audio: click the Source code icon (< >) and paste in the embed code from YouTube/Vimeo in the Source Code popup where you want the audio to appear
- Sizing recommendations: adjust width to "100%" and leave height alone
- See below for an example
Video embed code example:
<iframe width="100%" height="287" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Audio embed code example:
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
10. Thumbnails on your Memberships landing page
Each group of Memberships you sell can have its own thumbnail:
10.2. Click Membership Inventory

10.5. Add or update your Small Image
Be sure to follow the image size recommendation guidelines on this page!
- Click Choose File to select an image file from your device to upload
- Add Small Image Alt Text, which will display if someone is unable to view the image; this field is optional because Web Accessibility Guidelines recommend adding this for images that include information or context, but not for images that are purely decorative
- Click Update Images
11. Copy/description on your Memberships landing page
Each group of Memberships you sell can have a short description:
11.2. Click Membership Inventory

11.5. Scroll down to Description and fill it in
This is a rich text field, so add any formatting you wish. We recommend keeping your copy short.
We do not recommend adding images/video/audio to this field.
12. Large images on the membership detail page
Click into a set of memberships for sale on the Memberships landing page and you'll arrive on the Memberships detail page. You can add a large image here:
12.2. Click Membership Inventory

12.5. Add or update your Large Image
Be sure to follow the image size recommendation guidelines on this page!
- Click Choose File to select an image file from your device to upload
- Add Large Image Alt Text, which will display if someone is unable to view the image; this field is optional because Web Accessibility Guidelines recommend adding this for images that include information or context, but not for images that are purely decorative
- Click Update Images
13. Copy, images, and videos on the membership detail page
Click into a set of memberships for sale on the Memberships landing page and you'll arrive on the Memberships detail page. Scroll to the bottom; you can add additional text, images, or embedded video/audio here:
13.2. Click Membership Inventory

13.5. Scroll down to the Detail field and enter your content
This is a rich text field, meaning you can add formatted text, images, and embedded video/audio:

- Add text anywhere using the built-in text controls
- Add images: click the image icon; you'll first need to upload it to your Documents tab
- Sizing recommendations: at least 730 pixels wide
- Embed video: click the Source code icon (< >) and paste in the embed code from YouTube/Vimeo in the Source Code popup where you want the video to appear
- Sizing recommendations: adjust width to "100%" and set height to "411"
- See below for an example
- Embed audio: click the Source code icon (< >) and paste in the embed code from YouTube/Vimeo in the Source Code popup where you want the audio to appear
- Sizing recommendations: adjust width to "100%" and leave height alone
- See below for an example
Video embed code example:
<iframe width="100%" height="411" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Audio embed code example:
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
14. Delivery Information copy
As your patrons check out, they will be able to select from your supported Delivery Methods. You can customize the information that appears about your Delivery Methods to give patrons an idea of what each means for your organization:
14.4. Scroll down until you find the Delivery Information section
This is a rich text field, meaning you can add formatted text, images, and embedded video/audio:

- Add text anywhere using the built-in text controls
- Add images: click the image icon; you'll first need to upload it to your Documents tab
- Sizing recommendation: at least 510 pixels wide
We do not normally recommend adding video/image/audio to this field!
15. Suggested donation page image, video, and copy
When your patrons start down the purchase path, they can see a suggested donation page. You can customize this page with images, video, and your most powerful call to action:
We have a whole article about suggested donations on your PTS; click here for step-by-step instructions!
16. Adding Personal Pronouns to the Buyer Info page
You can optionally add the Personal Pronouns text field to allow your patrons to optionally share their personal pronouns with you.
We have an entire article on adding Personal Pronouns; here's how to add them to the PTS!
When you enable Personal Pronouns, you can also disable Salutations on the PTS, if you wish.
17. Adding Accessibility Requirements to the Buyer Info page
You can optionally add the Accessibility Requirements to allow your patrons to optionally select from the different access requirements you offer and share information about your accessibility options.
We have an entire article on enabling and editing Accessibility Requirements; here's how to add them to the PTS!
18. Order confirmation page image, video, and copy
When your patrons purchase tickets, they'll see the order confirmation page. You control the image and text they'll see:
We have a whole article that walks you through updating your order confirmation page; click here to get step-by-step instructions!
19. Your logo
Your logo is visible on all pages in the upper-left corner:
To update your logo, you'll need to head to the Theme Builder in your PatronTicket Settings. We've got a whole article about the Theme Builder, and it'll walk you through how to update your logo.
Additionally, you can set a URL for your logo, so that if any patrons click on it, they're brought to a specific website.
19.4. Change your Logo URL
In this example, we changed our logo URL from to
20. Footer details
We highly recommend keeping key details about your organization in the PTS footer:
Frequently Asked Questions
This question is core to how your Public Ticketing Site looks and works, and how you make the adjustments above. Check out the Theme Builder article for more information!
Non-seating information about a Venue can be edited from the Venue record in PatronManager. Learn more about this here.
You can even add an image of your Venue using the Detail field on the Venue; but you'll first need to upload the image to your Documents tab with these steps.
We've got just the article for you - check out How to Relabel Things on the New PTS.
You can update your brand colors on the Public Ticketing Site via the Theme Builder.
The "Add more items" button on the PTS leads to wherever your "Events" header link is set to direct.
If you wish to adjust where these links lead, update the "Events URL" field in PatronTicket Settings with these steps.
If you use PatronPortal to allow patrons to log into your Public Ticketing Site (PTS), in addition to being able to make all of the other updates and customizations we discuss above, you have a few other places for messaging that you can edit:
- Login Page Message: Portal members will see this when they log in on the PatronPortal Login page
- Portal Seat Selection Message: Portal members will see this when they are on seat selection pages
- Portal All Events Message: Portal members will see this on the main page of your PTS; this will appear above the text set as your Events Sidebar content
Additionally, you can update when the Benefit renewal tab appears for patrons in PatronPortal from PatronTicket Settings.
3. Collapse sections until you get to Patron Portal Public Site Settings
You'll find the three fields we mentioned here:
- Login Page Message: Portal members will see this when they log in on the PatronPortal Login page
- Portal Seat Selection Message: Portal members will see this when they are on seat selection pages
- Portal All Events Message: Portal members will see this on the main page of your PTS
Specifically, the Login Page Message and Portal All Events Message are rich text fields, meaning you can add formatted text, images, and embedded video/audio:
You can customize the Portal All Events Message to your heart's content, but we recommend keeping the Login Page Message simpler, with only text and an image.
- Add text anywhere using the built-in text controls
- Add images: click the image icon; you'll first need to upload it to your Documents tab
- Sizing recommendation: at least 510 pixels wide
- Embedded video: click the Source code icon (< >) and paste in the embed code from YouTube/Vimeo in the Source Code popup where you want your video to appear
- Sizing recommendations: adjust width to "100%" and height to "287"
- See below for an example
- Embedded audio: click the Source code icon (< >) and paste in the embed code from YouTube/Vimeo in the Source Code popup where you want your audio to appear
- Sizing recommendations: adjust width to "100%" and leave height alone
- See below for an example
Video embed code example:
<iframe width="100%" height="287" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Here's what it looks like in the popup:
Audio embed code example:
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
Here's what it looks like in the popup: