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How to Include Fulfillment Items in Order Confirmation Emails

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How to Include Fulfillment Items in Order Confirmation Emails:

By default, the confirmation email that's sent when a patron's Ticket Order is complete and fulfilled will include details about any subscription packages they purchased, but not the details of individual tickets within those subscriptions.

This makes the email a bit more concise, but what if you want the patron to see their specific seat locations? Or if the subscription contains Virtual Events, you'd probably like the email to include their ticket links so that they can view the content.

This article will show you how to adjust your Order Confirmation Email to include details about subscription fulfillment items, and the ticket links for any Virtual Events.

The process should take you about 15 minutes. Ready? Let's dive in!

1. Find the Order Confirmation Template and click "Edit"

Follow steps 1-3 in this article about editing confirmation templates, then come back here to see what adjustment you'll need to make!

2. Find the two lines of code you need to adjust

The confirmation template has two sections: one for HTML and one for plain text. Look for the two rows that read like this, one near the end of each section. Your template may vary slightly due to other customizations:

<c:TicketEmailOrderDetailText order="{!relatedTo}" orderItemList="{!relatedTo.PatronTicket__TicketOrderItems__r}" />

3. Add an attribute to each of those rows

Copy the below snippet of text, and paste it into each of those rows, right before the "/>" at the end. Here's the text to copy:

Click to copy

And you'll put it right here:

When you're done it'll look like this. Remember, there are two rows to adjust, even though this example is only showing the first one:

4. Save!

That's it! Now your confirmation emails for fulfilled subscriptions will contain the ticket detail with seat locations and/or the virtual event links. All set!

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Next Article How to Set an Event-Specific Confirmation Email
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