PatronManager Help

How to Set Up a New Fee and Edit Fees

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How to Set Up a New Fee and Edit Fees:

In PatronManager, you can set up customized per-ticket Item fees, as well as Order Fees. The Fee Setup Tab first guides you through choosing settings and criteria, and then it creates the rules that will trigger the fees you want. This article will walk you through how to set up Item Fees and Order Fees, and how to edit fees, by illustrating a few examples.

Before you jump in and create Item and Order fees, be sure to read All about the Fee Setup Tab to make sure you understand the basics along with all you need to consider when setting up fees.

The August 2022 release made it possible to display prices on your Public Ticketing Site inclusive of Item Fees, to avoid having the price increase unexpectedly when the patron adds a ticket to their cart. We strongly encourage enabling this option; just head over to PatronTicket Settings and check the box to "Display Prices Including Item Fees".

An important note about Order-level fees

In the November 2021 release, we added two new options that allow you to automatically waive Order fees if the Order contains only free tickets or if the Order contains only "Order Fee Exempt" Events. Prior to this release, many PatronManager clients had custom workarounds for the same purpose built with a tool called Process Builder.

If your account contains this workaround, you must deactivate it before using either of these two fee settings, to avoid potential issues processing Ticket Orders.

Check for and deactivate the workaround

1. Head over to Setup

2. Search for and click on Process Builder

3. Look for a Process called "Waive Order Fees Online" and check the description

Use the description to verify that this Process is doing one or both of the things you can now do in the Fee Setup tab: waiving Order Fees for zero-dollar tickets, or waiving Order Fees if the order contains only specific Events.

If the description is too long to read, hover the mouse on it to see the full text!

4. If this Process exists and is active, click into it and then click "Deactivate"

Got that done? Great! Now you can move on with creating and editing Order Fees, using all the latest features!

First, we need to find the Fee Setup Wizard

The Scarecrow, TinMan, Dorothy, and a lion skip

Don't worry, the journey won't be so perilous.

Click on the App Launcher

Type "fee" into the Quick Find box and click on "Fee Setup"

You made it!  This is the Fee Setup Tab, where you can configure Item-level Fees and Order-level Fees using the Fee Setup Wizard

Now we can set up a brand-new Fee...

Configure a new Item-level fee

Let's build a facility fee!

Here's the plan: We'll build a fee labeled "Facility Fee". It'll be $1 per single ticket in the Second Street Theater, $2 per single ticket in the Large Theater, and $1.50 per single ticket in the Alfred F. Small Theater. Our plan is ready to go, so we can begin setting up our fee.

1. On the Item Fee Setup Wizard, click "Configure" next to the fee slot you'd like to use.

2. Settings

On the Settings page:

  1. Determine the name of the fee. You'll see this name in your Box Office Reports, and anywhere internally where that fee may appear, with the exception of standard Salesforce reports.
  2. Choose whether to display this fee to your patrons on its own or grouped with other fees. You can give the grouping a label in the PatronTicket Settings tab. Grouping is useful if you choose to assess many different fees (such as a facility fee, a per-item, flat-rate credit card fee, or a fee for tickets sold online). This option will add them together and display them as one to your patrons so they aren't presented with a long list of item fees.
  3. Select any Other Settings that apply.  
    • The "Allow users to waive this fee" option is checked by default, and refers to internal, box office users.  
    • Check the "Waive if order contains subscription" option if you want to waive any item-level fees on single tickets when an order includes a subscription.  If you need to apply this fee on single tickets regardless of whether there's a subscription on the order, leave this option unchecked. This reasoning applies to the "Waive if order contains memberships" option as well.

3. Criteria

On this page, choose the fields you'd like to query when determining if this fee is assessed. We'll choose Venue and Item Type because those are the ones we explicitly called out in our plan.

4. Rules

4.1. Now we get to choose the combination of values that will trigger our fee, and set the fee amount when the rule is triggered.
  1. Add a description. This is just for your benefit and is never seen by patrons.
  2. Choose the criteria.
  3. Set the fee value.
  4. Click "Add New Fee Rule" if there are more rules.
4.2. After clicking "Add New Fee Rule", a new set of criteria to choose from will appear. Enter as many rules as you need for this fee and click "Next" when you're done.

5. Confirmation

Now you have the chance to confirm that all the rules you've created are correct. Click "Save" once you're certain it's right.

6. Check your work

The simplest way to check your work is to add items that meet the criteria of the rule to our cart in the Quick Order Form. We can see here that by adding an item from each venue, the correct fees are added:

Configure a new Order-level fee

Let's build a convenience fee!

Here's the scenario we're working with. Our box office is swamped (a good problem to have, but still), so we want to create an incentive for patrons to purchase their tickets online. Let's create an order fee to encourage this behavior by charging a $3 "Convenience Fee" for phone and walk-up sales.

1. In the Order Fee Setup Wizard, click "Configure" on the third fee slot
2. Settings
  1. Determine the name of the fee. You'll see this name in your Box Office Reports, and anywhere internally where that fee may appear, with the exception of standard Salesforce reports. If you choose to display the fee separately from others, your patrons will also see this label.
  2. Choose whether to display this fee to your patrons on its own or grouped with other fees. You can give the grouping a label in the PatronTicket Settings tab. Grouping is useful if you choose to assess many different fees (such as an order fee, a delivery fee, flat-rate credit card fee, or a fee for tickets sold over the phone). This option will add them together and display them as one to your patrons so they aren't presented with a long list of item fees.
  3. Select any Other Settings that apply.
    • Check the Waive if order contains subscription option if you want to waive any order-level fees on single tickets when an order includes a subscription.  If you need to apply this fee on single tickets regardless of whether there's a subscription on the order, leave this option unchecked.
    • The same reasoning applies to the Waive if order contains membership option.
    • You can automatically Waive if order subtotal is zero - useful if you have some free events or process a bunch of comp tickets and don't want to charge this order fee if all the tickets on the order are free. Note: your patrons will still be able to add a donation to their order without affecting this setting.
    • You can also automatically Waive if order contains only "Order Fee Exempt" Events. The "Order Fee Exempt" setting is on the Ticketable Event setup page; if a patron purchases only tickets to Events with that box checked, this option allows you to automatically waive their order fee.
    • If your organization charges sales tax, you can choose whether to Apply tax to this fee.
    • The "Allow users to waive this fee" option is checked by default, and refers to internal, box office users.
3. Criteria

On this page, choose the fields you'd like PatronManager to check when determining if this fee is assessed (you can choose more than one). In our example, we could go with Order Origin or Entry Method; Order Origin allows for a bit more flexibility, so we'll choose that option.

4. Now, lets define the criteria we chose with a rule.
  1. Add a description. This is just for your benefit and is never seen by patrons.
  2. Define the criteria. In our example, we want to charge for Phone and Walk-up orders, since those take up valuable box office resources. We'll skip Online and Portal since we want patrons to use our Public Ticketing Site; we'll also skip Imported since those orders may vary more widely. Finally, we'll skip Phone Room--a custom value--since in our example that's our outbound telemarketing team's Order Origin, and we don't want to charge patrons an extra fee for responding to an outbound sales effort.
  3. Set the fee amount. We chose $3 in our example.
  4. Click "Add New Fee Rule" if there are more rules to configure for this fee - for example, you could set different rules if you wanted to charge a $3 Convenience Fee for Walk-up sales and a $5 Convenience Fee for phone sales.
  5. When you're done, click "Next".
5. Confirm the rules you set up, and click save once you're sure they're correctly configured

Don't forget to save here!

6. Check your work

You can check your work by creating a Ticket Order that meets the criteria for assessing the fee you just created. In this case, you'd create a Ticket Order and select "Phone" or "Walk-up" as the Order Origin, and expand the arrow next to Order Total to ensure your $3 Convenience Fee is applied along with any other applicable Order Fees.

...or edit our existing fees!

How to edit fees

In our account, we already have a $5 shipping fee configured, but we want to make a few changes to this fee rule.  We'd like this $5 shipping fee to apply to all Order Origins except Online, and we also want to create a new fee rule where online orders with shipping as the Delivery Method incur a $3 fee instead of the $5 fee.  Here's how we can accomplish this.

1. On the Order Fee Setup Wizard, click "View" next to "Delivery Fee"

2. Click "Configure"

3. Review the Miscellaneous Settings, make changes if necessary, and click "Next"

4. Make changes to the criteria to include in the rule definitions

Since we want to create a new rule that assigns a $3 fee to online orders, we've checked Order Origin in addition to Delivery Method.

5. Edit Rule 1

We'll keep the Delivery Method as is and check every Order Origin except Online and Portal, since our second rule will pertain to those orders.

Super!  This $5 fee applies to shipping orders with any Order Origin except Online and PatronPortal.

6. Now let's add a new rule.  Click "Add New Fee Rule"

7. Set the criteria for your rule

  1. Description:  Online Shipping Fee
  2. Order Origin: Online, Portal
  3. Delivery Method: Ship
  4. Amount: 3.00
  5. Click "Next"
Wait, I don't have an "Amount" field!

If you're setting the criteria for your rule and don't see an "Amount" field on this page, you're likely editing the first Item Fee slot, called "Unit Fee."

While you can set up criteria for this fee here, the amount of this fee varies based on the Fee you set on each Price Level in your Event Inventory.

8. Review your rules and click "Save"

9. As always, check your work

Check your work by starting a Ticket Order on the Public Ticketing site since this fee applies to online orders. Set the Delivery Method to Ship and make sure the $3 shipping fee appears in the cart along with any previously configured fees.

This is also a great way to double-check that your fee labels and grouping selections are appearing as you intend. In the above example, we should probably either relabel one of the two "Order Fee" fees, or group those two under a single label!

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