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How to Republish the Theme for your Public Ticketing Site:
PatronManager regularly releases updates to improve the Public Ticketing Site, and while most of those improvements take effect right away, some of the changes require action on your part. To take advantage of these updates, you'll need to republish your theme. It only takes a few clicks, and we'll walk you through the process below.
This should take less than five minutes. Let's get started!
1. Are you currently working on updating your theme?
If you're currently working on your theme - whether you're building it from scratch for the first time, or making an update to your existing theme - finish and publish those changes first, then come back here. Here's an article to help you update your theme.
If you're happy with your theme as it is, you can move on with the next step!
Following the steps in this article before publishing other updates to your theme will undo your progress - be sure to finish your adjustments first!