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July 2011 Release Notes

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July 2011 Release Notes:

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Hi PatronManager clients, we've got lots of exciting changes to report this month. We've released a bunch of new reports and queries, plus several significant upgrades to box office functionality. Read on to learn about everything in the July release of PatronManager.

New "Intro to PatronManager" Video in the Help Tab

Brand new clients will now receive this as their first look at the system, but we think it'll be useful for you to watch it too. It's a 12-minute video overview of PatronManager -- what it is, why CRM matters, and an explanation of the data structure. Even if you've been using PatronManager for a year, you might learn something new!

(This is the first of many more training videos to come! Stay tuned for further updates.)

(Click here to watch the video now, or just look for it in the Help tab later.)

Quicker "Quick Order Form"

We're making it faster to sell tickets at the box office. You can test out our new "create ticket order" link that takes you straight to the event selection page; you'll also notice that price level selection now happens on the same page as the seat picker. Click here for more details.

"Who's Sitting In This Seat?"

Anytime you're looking at a seating chart, hover over any occupied seat to see the details of who's sitting in it. You can click through to see the order details.

We've also added a "View Seat Map" link on the event instance page, so you can get a visual look at how the house is selling.

Show/Hide Deleted Items in Ticket Orders

If you do lots of exchanges or refunds, the Ticket Order page can get long and messy. We've cleaned it up by hiding all "Deleted" items by default; just click the "show" button if you need to see them. We're also counting the total number of tickets in the order, to help you keep track.

Discount Codes on Subscriptions

You can now offer percentage-based discount codes on subscriptions (15% off the package, 25% off the package, etc.). Just go to the Discount Codes tab and create a new one, making sure to choose "Percentage" as the type.

Event Categories

Many clients have asked for the ability to categorize events for reporting purposes, so now there's a new field on the Event page called "Event Category." We've given you options like play, musical, children's, dance, and so on, but we can also help you customize the choices here to suit your needs -- just let us know what options you want to have available in this field. (A future release will make categories like this available for display on your ticketing site, too.)

Modify Ticket Order Items before submitting an order

"Oh, by the way -- I forgot to mention that I'm a student. Can I get the discount price?" Now you can go back and modify the price level or discount on a ticket order item without having to remove that item and start over.

New "One-Click" Reports

We've redesigned the Performance Report, and now you can run it for multiple performances at once -- choose to see a whole week's worth of shows, or the whole run of an event.

There's also a brand-new one-click Sales Report -- you'll find the link in your Custom Links sidebar on the left side of the home screen.

You can choose to run a "daily" report for just yesterday, or select your own custom date range.

The resulting report shows all transactions in that time period, broken down by event instance.

Supreme Queries

Our PatronQuery package allows you to run more complex queries than Salesforce reporting alone can do -- fundraising reports like "Last Year but not This Year" and reports that combine ticketing and donations, for example. Until now, this feature has only been available upon request; but as of this release, we're including PatronQuery in ALL PatronManager accounts -- just look for the tab called "Supreme Queries."

If you've already been using the supreme queries, you'll notice some reorganization on the tab -- plus there are four brand-new queries included in this release, including one to help you find first-time ticket buyers.

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