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June/July 2024 Release Notes

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PatronManager June/July 2024 Release Notes:

Check out the latest PatronManager features and updates, and keep an eye on your email for your exact upgrade date!

Reconciling your payouts from Leap Merchant Services is now faster and easier than ever: you'll report directly on the date of your payout(s). Faster reporting is a fitting update for our best-in-class payment processing solution, since Leap Merchant Services leads the industry with speedy payouts!

Are you a fundraising enthusiast? Find all your tools at your fingertips in the exciting new PatronDonate Hub, which gives you quick access to features like qualifying and viewing donations, Donation Forms, and reports, as well as a handy link to the PatronManager Client Community.

And that's not all: this release also brings mobile ticket improvements, a little refresh for the PatronTicket Hub, fee visibility updates, and easy access to a patron's current email status while you're selling them tickets.

Read on to learn all about:

Let's take a look!

Better payout reconciliation with Leap Merchant Services

We're delighted to introduce a big improvement to the streamlined reconciliation process you get with Leap Merchant Services (LMS), our in house payment processing solution.

Previously, LMS users would reconcile their payouts based on the Batch Date, which involved looking up the correct batch date range to correspond to a given payout. That was a bit time-consuming, and it led to occasional batch date discrepancies due to how Stripe (the backbone of LMS) handles certain kinds of refunds.

Now it's much simpler!

Just plug in the date you received a payout in your bank account (or a payout date range if you reconcile on a weekly basis), and PatronManager handles the rest.

The report automatically collects the specific transactions paid out (or debited, in the case of refunds) in your date range for definitive accuracy. It also includes a summary of the included payouts, making it easy to reconcile multiple deposits at a time.

For complete instructions to reconcile your payouts with Leap Merchant Services following this release, head to this article!

This update is backwards compatible, too! That means you'll be able to reconcile your older payouts from Leap Merchant Services the same way.

Note: it may take a few hours for complete payout data to become available in your reports following the upgrade.

New PatronDonate Hub

Box office users have long had a way to easily navigate to their most common tasks with the PatronTicket Hub. This release makes that page even more useful (see "other improvements" below), and we thought it was time the fundraising members of your team had their own landing page, too.

Meet the PatronDonate Hub!

This is now the default landing page in the PMGR Fundraising Lightning App. Find that app by searching for "fun" in the App Launcher (waffle):

The new Hub is only available in Lightning.

Let's take a closer look:

The top of the page gives you easy access to the Client Community (1) plus Organization Settings (2) where you can adjust your built-in Donation roll-ups, set your Donation Administrator, and more.

Below that, you'll find handy tiles that link to other frequently-used areas of PatronManager for development teams (3).

Want to see more or different things on this page? Tell us what would be most helpful to you by suggesting a Product Idea!

Other improvements

PatronTicket Hub updates

We didn't want the PatronTicket Hub and the ticketing folks who use it to feel left out when we added the shiny new PatronDonate Hub, so we made sure to freshen it up a bit:

You can now easily access the Client Community (1) and all the resources and conversations it contains, right from the top of the page!

We also moved the link to your Public Ticketing Site from the bottom of the page up to the top (2) for easy access.

Want to see more or different things on this page? Tell us what would be most helpful to you by suggesting a Product Idea!

View current email status in PatronManager Box Office

Does this sound familiar? You're on the phone with a ticket buyer and you ask them if they'd like to sign up for your email list. There's an awkward pause and then a hesitant "I think I'm already on your list" or perhaps a grumpy "No, I've already opted out." Those interactions don't help your patrons feel recognized, so we're making this better!

Now when you attach an existing Contact to a Ticket Order, you'll see their current Email Status right below the opt-in checkbox:

If they'd like to opt in for the first time, just check the box to "Update Contact Record" and the change will be applied (along with any other updates) when you complete the order.

Or, if they've previously opted out and wish to opt back in, you'll be able to provide them with the right information!

Whether or not you can override an "Opt Out" status in PatronManager depends on the email marketing system and integration you're using. In many cases, a patron who has previously opted out must resubscribe themselves via your email marketing platform.

Fee visibility improvements

When you check the box to "Display prices including item fees" in PatronTicket Settings (which we strongly encourage), the detailed price/fee breakdown will now be expanded by default when patrons are selecting their tickets online.

The price and fee subtotal is also summarized in the cart:

Some jurisdictions have laws restricting the use of fees and/or how fees must be disclosed. Please consult your own legal counsel on how to comply.

Button improvements for Mobile Tickets in email platforms

Have you enabled mobile tickets yet? If so, you probably already know that the button patrons use to get their tickets from their confirmation email or pre-show email uses the brand colors from your Public Ticketing Site.

If your brand colors are dark and your patron is using dark mode on their device, that previously made the button hard to see against the dark background. We also heard from a few clients that some email platforms and devices were displaying the button as a wide banner rather than a normal-sized button.

Problem solved! With this release, we've added a border that will only appear on dark backgrounds to make that button stand out more. We also standardized the button size so that it should appear the same regardless of the patron's device and email provider.

That's all for this release, but there's more in the works...

Would you like to scan tickets and check folks in at the door using a snazzy new iPhone app? Make sure you've voted up this Product Idea! Our developers are hard at work on a brand new scanning app, and the folks who've voted for this feature will have the first chance to try it out in the pilot phase soon.

Have you ever wished there was a modern, automatic, two-way Mailchimp integration available for PatronManager? We've got an exciting announcement coming soon. Make sure you've voted up one or more of the following Product Ideas to be the first to hear about it!

Want to be a part of the product development process?

Do you have ideas for new PatronManager features or want to tell us about a part of the system where you'd like to see updates? Log in to the Client Community to suggest and vote on Product Ideas, track suggestions your organization has given us in the past, see what's planned and in progress, and much more. Read All About Product Ideas to get started!

Thanks for reading all the way to the end!
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