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May 2015 Release Notes Overview

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May 2015 Release Notes Overview:

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There may be outdated information or suggestions in this article that made sense at the time of the release, but no longer.  For the most up-to-date information about this topic, use a keyword in the search bar above.  If you're looking for more current release notes, you can find those here.

What's New in This Release

This release includes several frequently-requested new ticketing features that we think you'll be excited about -- images on your point-of-sale tickets! flat-rate discounts on subscriptions! -- plus a revamped Daily Sales Report that's clearer and easier to understand (and shorter to print).

In addition, we're introducing some significant under-the-hood changes to subscription transaction handling, designed to improve pretty much everything about subscription sales reporting.

Please note that in order to maintain financial reporting stability, this particular improvement will kick in only at the beginning of your next subscription season, when you start to process renewals -- not right away.

Actions You Need to Take!

If you're currently selling subscriptions, you may need to take action. The subscription reporting article has more information about this.

(And even if you're not selling subscriptions right now, you should make sure that everyone in your organization who uses the Daily Sales Report reads the article about the changes we've made so they know what to expect!)

Earlier this year...

CRM Snapshots, our powerful reporting tool, got a makeover! We encourage you to read the release notes if you haven't already.

Coming this fall...

We're cooking up a release devoted almost entirely to allowing you more options with your ticketing fees, giving you greater flexibility to charge the fees you want in the ways you need to. Stay tuned for more information, coming late summer!

Previous Article What Does This Mean for Reporting? (August 2015)
Next Article Revamped Daily Sales Report (May 2015)
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