PatronManager Help

Fundraising Features and Other Improvements (May 2014)

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Improvements to Qualification

We've modified the query we use to search for matching or similar contacts during qualification in order to give you better results, ranked more logically.

Qualifying your Contacts is really important, so it should be easy! The qualification tool always tries to list the best possible match first on the list, but until now, there were some cases where that didn't always work too well. Now we've restructured the matching rules so it should be even better -- you won't see a list of 200 contacts where the actual match is listed 20th.

We've also fixed our "similar Accounts" query so that it'll only return up to 20 results, and better distinguish between different but similarly-formatted addresses (such as PO Boxes).

Here's a "before and after" example:

Improvements to Qualification

...gets these results:

Recurring Donation Renewal

Sometimes recurring donations are "open ended" -- they just continue forever until the donor decides to cancel it. In this release, we've added automatic renewal to those open-ended donations.

Submit a recurring credit card donation without an end date and one year after it's created, it will generate another year's worth of "pending" donations. This means your open-ended donations are truly open-ended.

Recurring Donation Renewal

On-Demand Features

Open Pledge Badge

This is an "on-demand" feature that we can set up for you if you think it will be useful!

The "Outstanding Pledge Alert" badge can automatically appear (and it can even flash if you want it to) on any Account record when the patron has an open or overdue pledge.

Open Pledge Badge

PDF Account Summary

Great for face-to-face meetings with donors and potential board members, the PDF Account Summary can be generated with the help of Conga Composer, one of the most popular and well-regarded apps on the Salesforce AppExchange (and a favorite of ours).

PDF Account Summary

With the click of a button, a beautifully-formatted and information-packed PDF summary of a patron's donation, subscription, and single ticket purchase history is ready for you to print out and bring to the meeting or share with your solicitors before they go out for the big ask.

Mobile-optimized Signup and Donation Forms

We can now enhance your PatronManager signup and donation forms with responsive design! This comes hot-on-the-heels of the mobile-optimized online ticketing feature that was released last August. Here's an example of a mobile-optimized signup form:

Mobile-optimized Signup and Donation Forms

And here's what a donation form would look like:

More Analytics and Tracking

We're thrilled to announce that in addition to the ticketing site tracking that we announced in our February release, we now fully support Google Analytics and other pixel tracking for Donation and Signup forms. Contact us for help setting this up!

Previous Article Box Office Features: Event-Specific Confirmation Emails and Delivery Methods, and More (May 2014)
Next Article New Features in Salesforce's Spring '14 Release (May 2014)
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