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May 2011 Release Notes

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May 2011 Release Notes:

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Here's a list of the major new features included in this release. Some of them have more detailed information and instructions too -- just follow the links.

1. Donations can be entered as part of ticket orders, using the Quick Order Form.

1. Donations can be entered as part of ticket orders, using the Quick Order Form.

You can now include donations on ticket orders sold at the box office. Just use the "donation amount" field on the quick order form, and the order total will be updated.

*Important* -- just like with online ticket orders, the corresponding donation records will not be created until you qualify the order (associate it with a contact).

2. To improve security, credit card information is no longer stored in PatronManager.

2. To improve security, credit card information is no longer stored in PatronManager.

For security reasons, we're no longer storing credit card information in PatronManager -- not even in the temporary and encrypted way we used to.

This means that we've made a few behind-the-scenes changes to the way credit cards get processed, and that the steps for processing offline credit card donations have changed slightly.

3. New Payment Exception handling options.

3. New Payment Exception handling options.

When credit card transactions fail, the system will now redirect you to a "Payment Exception Resolution" page.

4. Track ticket "Print Status" and reprints

4. Track ticket "Print Status" and reprints

For those organizations using a point-of-sale printer to print hard tickets, you can now track whether specific ticket order items have been printed -- if you print those same ticket order items again, the word "REPRINT" will appear on them.

5. Cleaner-looking event inventory pages

5. Cleaner-looking event inventory pages

Ticketable Event and Event Instances pages display a "preview" version of the Detail and Description fields (rather than the raw HTML source).

6. Better error messages

6. Better error messages

In this release, we've captured some of the "scarier"-looking error messages in the system and replaced them with more helpful pages like the one above.

7. Improved and streamlined PatronMail screens -- manage everything from the campaign page.

7. Improved and streamlined PatronMail screens -- manage everything from the campaign page.

We've moved all the "action links" (Design, Edit, Manage Recipients) for PatronMail campaigns to the campaign page itself, instead of the list page. This means less time spent hopping back and forth between pages. Just click on the campaign name to get here.

And the main PatronMail tab has been updated too -- it now includes these famiiar filters to help you find what you're looking for.

8. Improved PatronMail Signup form layout and copy customizations

8. Improved PatronMail Signup form layout and copy customizations

We've made the e-mail list signup form more customizable -- you can write your own confirmation copy and page header. Just let us know if you want us to make changes to your form.

9. Additional "Supreme Queries"

9. Additional "Supreme Queries"

Our PatronQuery package allows you to run more complex queries than Salesforce reporting alone can do -- fundraising reports like "Last Year but not This Year" and reports that combine ticketing and donations, for example.

PatronQuery is still a "pilot" feature, so we don't automatically include it in your PatronManager account, but we welcome organizations who want to be testers!  Contact us to request it.

If you're already using PatronQuery, you'll see that we've added the two new queries above. More to come in future versions!

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