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Discount Code Management Improvements (November 2013):
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We've made it easier to add and remove price levels from discount codes.
Add and Remove Price Level Buttons
Two simple buttons on the discount code detail page help you do what you need:

Easier Price Level Filtering
Adding and removing price levels will both allow you to filter on the fields below.
We've added a helpful filter for Event Instance date, plus we're now automatically excluding inactive Event Instances from the "Add Price Levels" screen. This will make the list of price levels you have to weed through much, much shorter.
Associate Even More Price Levels
We used to have a limit on the number of price levels associated with a discount code of 1,000. The query that runs when we look for available price levels can now be larger, so the limit has been increased to 10,000. Go to town!
Clone Discount Code Associations When Cloning Events
Now there's an option to clone discount code associations when cloning your events. That means that if you clone one Event Instance that has a certain group of discount codes set up, those discount codes will automatically be associated with the new cloned Instance.
If you offer similar pricing and discount structures every year, this should save you lots of time.