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February 2012 Release Notes

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February 2012 Release Notes:

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Hi PatronManager clients, here's a list of features in our first release of 2012. It's February, so it's subscription time! Read on for details about subscription renewals, embedding ticketing pages, changes to e-mail confirmations, and some neat new stuff from Salesforce.

1. Automated Subscription Renewals

If you offer Fixed Subscriptions, you can map last year's series to this year's in order to automate the renewal process for your existing subscribers. Our Subscription Rollover wizard will help walk you through the process. and you'll end up with "Pending Renewal" orders for all current subscribers, already fulfilled with their correct seats. If they choose not to renew, you'll simply cancel the order; but if they submit payment, you'll process the order and be done.

Start from the "Subscription Renewals" tab after your account has been upgraded to review the whole process, or click here to read about it right away.

2. Purchase Subscriptions and Single Tickets in the Same Order

Patrons can now buy subscriptions and single tickets in one transaction, both online or at the box office. This release simply lifts the restriction that was in place before -- instead of getting an error message if you try to add single tickets to your subcription order, you'll be able to add them on.


3. Embed Your Signup Form or Ticketing Site

Our clients have been asking about this for a while and we're happy to announce that we can now officially support it: PatronManager's secure ticketing and signup forms can be embedded in iframes on your website.

Two things to keep in mind:

a. We still have plans for a future release that will enhance the navigation options on ticketing pages, so if that's the main thing you want and you don't want to do the work of embedding the page right now, just hang on for a few more months and we'll announce when enhanced navigation is possible.

b. The host page (into which the form is embedded) should be served via HTTPS, and the minimum width of the iframe is 915px -- but we recommend tested it in multiple browsers to make sure it's sized correctly.

4. "Organization-Wide" E-mail Addresses for Ticket Confirmation E-mails

To simplify your communications with patrons and make it easier for them to contact you, we can now set up an "organization-wide e-mail address" that will be both the "from name" and "reply to" address on all ticketing confirmation e-mails. You can choose the display name and the actual e-mail address (such as "The Lab Theatre" and "[email protected]"). If you want us to set this up for you, just contact us, or click here for instructions on setting it up yourself.

5. Choose Donation Record Types to Count for "Amount Donated This Fiscal Year"

We've gotten feedback from clients that you want to be able to control what kinds of donations get counted towards the total "amount donated this fiscal year" field on the Account.

Now you can control this yourself. Just go to the Organization Settings tab and select which record types you want to include (or just contact us, and we can do it for you).

6. New Salesforce Features: Reporting and Social

This month, Salesforce upgraded all accounts to their "Spring '12" Release -- if you haven't already, we encourage you to look over the new features listed on this overview page. Here's just a few of the things we think are pretty neat:

1. Social Contacts and Accounts

This has been around for a little while but Spring '12 upgraded the feature to include more social networks, Accounts as well as Contacts, and we've now enabled the feature in all PatronManager accounts. You'll see social networking icons at the top of every Account and Contact record. By signing in to those services, you can link a Contact's profile on the social network to their record in the system, and make that social data available from within PatronManager, rather than having to visit an external site. Click here to read all the details in the Salesforce Help Center.

2. Enhanced Reporting Tools

If you already feel comfortable working with and creating your own reports in PatronManager, you'll love the new enhanced analytics features Salesforce has added. Search for cross-filters, joined reports, and bucketing in the main Salesforce help & training area to learn more about some amazing new options for running reports and exploring your data.

If you look at those explanations and feel overwhelmed, that's okay -- the Daily Sales Report, the Performance Report, and CRM Snapshots are all designed to simplify reporting and make it easy for you to get the data you need. We'll be announcing a webinar series soon, and there will be a whole session all about reporting basics in March -- come to that webinar and we'll help you get started understanding reporting.

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