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All-In-One Barcode Scanner, More Printing Options, & Easier Attendance Reporting (September 2014)

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All-In-One Barcode Scanner

We're thrilled to introduce an additional option for barcode scanning in PatronManager: an all-in-one device, the Honeywell Dolphin 70e Black.

All-In-One Barcode Scanner

If you're currently scanning barcodes using one of our existing setup options -- either an Android device on its own or an Android device paired with a Socket Mobile scanner -- we'll continue to support both of those setups. This new option is just that: another option!

The Honeywell Dolphin is an Android device that has a barcode scanner built right into it, and we've adapted the PatronTicket Barcode Scanner app to work directly with the built-in scanner.

If you're not already scanning tickets but you want to start, and you're not sure which device is right for you, check out our new Barcode Scanning Overview and Buyer's Guide.

Quick and Easy Attendance Reporting

Use the new "Ticket-buyer Report" link to quickly and easily run an Event Instance-specific Door List Report:

Quick and Easy Attendance Reporting

And if it's a Pick Your Own Seat event, that link will take you to the Who's Sitting In What Seat report instead:

How Many Seats Left?

Use the Sales Overview Report to quickly see how many seats are left for an event using the newly-added "Available" column for remaining seats:

How Many Seats Left?

We plucked this feature straight from your requests to our Client Administration department: all ticket order fields are now available for printing on the header, organization information, receipt, and signature cards. If you need to print the credit card type on the signature card, or you want the patron's address to appear on all header cards regardless of delivery method, or you'd like to print the delivery method on the header card, we can do that. Please contact PatronManager Client Administration for assistance setting up this one.

Print All the Fields, All the Time

We hope you'll never have trouble scanning tickets at the door, but in the event that something goes wrong -- you lose your wifi connection or the battery on the device wasn't charged, for example -- you can have a copy of the barcode printed on your ticket stub. This means you can tear stubs at the door and scan later to still get that attendance data logged in the system.

Print Barcodes on Ticket Stubs

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