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Quicker "Quick Order Form":
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Here's what to expect from our new faster box office ticketing process.
1. Jump straight to Event Selection
To bypass the main ticket order screen, click the link that says "Create Ticket Order - Event Selection."
You'll jump straight to the event instance selection page.
2. Click on a section to proceed (no "Next" button anymore)
We've made the quick order form more like the website version -- just click on a seating section, no need to click "next."
3. Price level selection is on the same page as seat selection
When you choose seats, you'll see them appear next to the seating chart (or below it, depending on the size of your venue). You can select price levels there instead of having to click through to another page.
5. Reorganized buttons
We rearranged the buttons on the final page of the quick order form to make it easier to find the one you'll be using most often -- now it's blue!