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July 2021 Release Notes

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July 2021 Release Notes:

Welcome to the July release! It's been quiet in release-land since March, but we've been busy. This release brings you:

Let's take a look at what's new!

Want to watch the release webinar?

Here ya go - recorded on July 15, 2021.

Financial reporting improvements

Clients often request more detail to understand the built-in reports in the Financial Reports tab in PatronManager. We hear you! This release brings you a handful of pre-built Salesforce reports that answer the most common questions you send in.

Bonus: while setting up these reports, we found (and fixed) a couple bugs!

New report: Event Summary Report: Refunds/Exchanges

This report shows transaction-level detail for the refunds and exchanges that appear on the Event Summary Report.

To use the report, you'll adjust the Ticketable Event filter to look at the same thing as the Event Summary Report you're comparing against.

Head over here to learn more about this report!

New report: Transaction Summary Report w/ Details

This report shows transaction-level detail to compare against the Transaction Summary Report.

To use the report, you'll adjust the Transaction Date filter to match the range you selected on the Transaction Summary Report.

Find more information about the new detail report in this article about the Transaction Summary Report.

New report: Donation Summary Report w/ Details

This report shows transaction-level detail to match against the Donation Summary Report. This is a better report to use for comparison against the summary report in the Financial Reports tab, because unlike other Donation Reports, it's based on Transaction Date rather than Close Date.

To use the report, you'll adjust the Transaction Date filter to match the range you selected on the Donation Summary Report.

Find more information about the new detail report in this article about the Donation Summary Report.

New report: Tickets Refunded to Donation

This report shows all ticket refunds to donation within a timeframe or by Event.

To use the report, you'll either adjust the Transaction Date filter (to view by date range), or set the Transaction Date filter to All Time and add a filter for a particular Event. Refer to the article linked below for specific instructions.

Click here to learn more about this report!

Bug fix: fulfillment item refunds on the Transaction Summary Report

The Transaction Summary Report (located in the Financial Reports tab) allows you to see ticket and donation transactions on the same report. When a subscription fulfillment item is refunded to Donation, the system tracks that as income on the Donation side of the system.

In this report, this specific money (from fulfillment items refunded as a Donation) was being counted as a positive on the Donation side, but was not being subtracted correctly on the ticketing side. This led to double-counting that amount in the Gross and Net totals at the top of the report.

As of this release, there is a new line in the summary section of that report for "Donated Fulfillment Tickets". This shows the dollar value of subscription fulfillment items refunded to Donation in the report timeframe, and is reflected in the Donations section (within the PatronTicket Donation total, which can also include other kinds of ticket donations).

This amount is now also subtracted from the Gross and Net Totals on the report, giving a more accurate financial picture.

Note that these types of subscription fulfillment item refunds are not broken out in detail on the lower sections of this report. For more detail on these kinds of transactions, we recommend using the new Tickets Refunded to Donation report outlined above.

Bug fix: re-upped pending recurring donations set Probability incorrectly

Recurring credit card donations in PatronManager generate a new year of installments at the end of each cycle. These new future installments have a Stage value of "Pending", and should have a Probability value of 90%.

Some fundraising CRM Snapshots and custom reports can be filtered by this Probability value. For example, to show money that hasn't yet been received, you could filter Probability for "< 100%".

Prior to this release, newly-generated batches of future recurring donation installments (after the initial year-long batch) were having Stage values set correctly as "Pending", but Probability values incorrectly set to 100%. This could cause certain specific customized reports to treat that future-date money as already received.

This has been fixed: now newly-generated batches of future installments will have their Probability set correctly.

Existing unprocessed recurring donations in the "Pending" Stage will have their Probability corrected, where applicable, from 100% to 90%. We expect this record update to be complete by the afternoon of July 12, 2021.

Salesforce Duplicate Management

Want to merge duplicate Contacts and Accounts in Lightning? Wouldn't it be great to have a system actively watching for new potential duplicate records, helping you keep your data clean? Good news!

Provided you follow our specific instructions, you can now use Salesforce Duplicate Management with PatronManager.

Read more about Duplicate Management

Warning: setting duplicate management up incorrectly can break PatronManager. Be sure to follow the instructions linked below.

Salesforce Duplicate Management will run in the background when records are created or edited, using a robust set of criteria to flag potential duplicate records for your duplicate manager to review. Once duplicates are flagged, your duplicate manager can view potential duplicates in a report and merge them - right inside Lightning!

Please note:

  • Duplicate Management does not replace PatronManager's qualification process; you'll still need to qualify new Ticket Orders, Donations, and Signups as per usual
  • Only duplicates created after you set up Duplicate Manager will be flagged - older duplicates will need to be merged en masse via a data project or manually in Classic

Learn how to use this feature with PatronManager in our All About Duplicate Management article!

Support for Facebook domain verification

Facebook recently updated their domain verification requirements for organizations that track their Facebook advertising results. If that's you, you can now complete the verification requirements for your PatronManager sites (e.g. the Public Ticketing Site).

Update March 2022: Facebook no longer supports domain verification for sites hosted on Salesforce (which includes all PatronManager client sites). There is a Product Idea with notes on the current state of affairs here.

Virtual Event updates

You now have more control over your livestreams in PatronManager! Show pre-roll content, like a preview of coming shows, before your livestream is scheduled to begin - plus see how many folks are waiting in the "lobby" so you know if it's worth starting early.

And if the show ends earlier than you expected? No problem - click a button from the Control Panel to quickly switch over to the post-stream content on the player page.

And that's not all - you'll also find chat improvements and bug fixes below.

Start streaming early, while still selling tickets online

By default, folks who arrive early to your livestream will see your pre-stream content, and the countdown clock (if enabled). When the Instance Date rolls around, that automatically opens the player window to your broadcast, and switches to the mid-stream content.

That's fine, but what if you could show your early audience members previews of upcoming shows, or even just play some "lobby music"? Now you can! You'll find a "Start Streaming Early" button in the Control Panel:

This switches the player page over to the active state and displays the mid-stream content, so you can broadcast to your audience right away.

And best of all, this doesn't change the Instance Date in PatronManager - so you can keep selling tickets online right up until your originally-planned start time!

Note that there is a about a 20-second delay after clicking the button before the player page reflects the change and starts broadcasting your stream.

See how many viewers arrive to the player page early

Showing content early is great. But how do you know there's anyone on the page watching? Easy: check the Current Viewers on the Control Panel:

Previously, these counts didn't populate until you started streaming; now they start counting viewers starting an hour before the Instance Date (the same time PatronManager starts marking their tickets as Attended).

End a livestream early

Your livestream was great, but it ended ten minutes earlier than the Instance End Date you specified on the Event Instance. Do your viewers have to wait around for ten minutes before the page tells them the stream is over and shows them the post-stream content (maybe a discount on tickets to your next show)?

Not anymore! Now you can click the "End Stream" button in the Control Panel if you're finished ahead of schedule. This will flip the player page to the post-stream state.

Note that there is a about a 20-second delay after clicking the button before the player page reflects the change.

Other improvements and bug fixes

Viewers now confirm their name before joining the chat

Previously, we heard reports of viewers accidentally naming themselves something like "Hello!" in their eagerness to get started when joining the chat.

Now, viewers will be asked to confirm the chat name they've selected.

After clicking "Join", they'll confirm once more:

The moderator can now pin existing messages to the top of the chat window

In the Control Panel, click the three dots next to any message to view options, including one to pin it to the top of the chat:

Note that only one message can be pinned at a time; pinning a new message will replace a previously-pinned message.

Clearing the value in a field now updates the player page accordingly

Previously, clearing out a previously-populated field that appears on the player page (e.g. "Mid-stream content") didn't have the desired effect - it was possible to change the contents of a field, but not clear it out entirely.

Now, clearing out a field in PatronManager also clears that field on the Virtual Event player page, as you'd expect it to!

When you clone an individual "Livestream (External)" Virtual Event Instance, you're asked to specify the external URL (e.g. the YouTube link) for the new Event Instance as part of the cloning process:

Previously, a bug caused the new, cloned Event Instance's Stream Type and Stream URL to be overridden with the value from the original Event Instance.

That has been fixed, so that newly-cloned Event Instances correctly retain the new values.

Portal enhancements

Your patron's experience in Portal gets a little bit better with this release - and you can now decide exactly when they can see and renew subscriptions created via the Subscription Renewal Tool!

Heads up: if you use Portal, make sure the login links you give to patrons or post on your website are up to date. Links designed for use on the legacy Public Ticketing Site will no longer work after this release. Click here for instructions to correctly format those login links!

Order History now shows most recent Ticket Orders first

Handy if a patron has a long history with your organization, as Portal members often do! Now they'll see their most recent Ticket Orders at the top of the list, in keeping with the sort order on the Donations tab:

The Subscription Renewal tab is now conditional

When a patron logs in to PatronPortal and visits their Profile, they'll now only see the subscription renewal tab if they have a Pending Renewal subscription. Otherwise, the tab will not appear.

In the above example, subscriptions have been relabeled to season passes.

And that's not all! Perhaps you're setting up your season and preparing your subscription renewals. Maybe you'd like to create the renewal orders early, but spend a bit more time rearranging subscriber seating before you let patrons renew online.

Now you can control exactly when the subscription renewal tab becomes visible to patrons with a pending renewal order! By default, their renewal order will be available in Portal as soon as you create it. If you want to hide that tab for a bit longer, here's how:

1. Head over to PatronTicket Settings from the PatronTicket Hub

2. Click "Edit"

3. Scroll down to the Portal section and check the box to "Hide Subscription Renewal Tab in Portal"

4. Save!

That's it! Now your patrons won't see those pending subscription renewals when they log in to Portal.

5. When you're ready to launch renewals, come back to PatronTicket Settings, edit, uncheck that box, and save

Bug fix: items remain in the cart when a patron logs in to Portal

Previously, if a patron added tickets to their cart and then logged in to Portal, a bug caused their cart to clear, so they needed to re-add their selections.

Now, items already added to the cart stay there when a patron logs in to Portal, speeding up their checkout process.

Other improvements

With each release, we tidy up bits of unexpected behavior and make incremental improvements to PatronManager.

You can now delete mistakenly-entered Benefits

Benefit records are created automatically for Membership Ticket Orders, but some clients also create Benefits manually - for example, to track memberships processed as Donations or to give certain groups of patrons automatic discounts in PatronPortal.

Sometimes when manually creating Benefits, folks make a mistake, or create a duplicate Benefit record. Previously, your only option in this case was to cancel the Benefit, keeping the record in the system. Now, you can delete those mistakes!

Benefits created as the result of a Ticket Order can't be deleted. You can refund the Membership from the Ticket Order to cancel the corresponding Benefit.

Base reports for PatronStorm

PatronStorm is a one-way data integration to PatronManager from our partner CourseStorm's robust class registration solution. In this release, we've added a few base reports to help clients take advantage of the CourseStorm data available in PatronManager.

More information coming soon!

Report Finder moves to the Client Community

In late 2019, we launched the Report Finder to help you find the report you needed for the task you were trying to accomplish:

One frustration with this tool was navigation - you couldn't search the finder for results, only browse different paths. Enter: the Client Community!

As part of the new Community, launched earlier this year, we included a new knowledgebase of articles. These articles are designed to answer your specific questions quickly - questions like, "How do I get a list of my lapsed donors?", or "How do I see sales results for my upcoming show?"

As of this release, we've moved all the information that used to be contained in Report Finder to the Client Community. These articles are all tagged with the Report Finder topic so you can browse them easily. Just head to Community Forum > Reporting > Report Finder.

If you haven't logged into the new Client Community, now's a great time!

Salesforce release highlights

Salesforce has been busy, too! Here are a few highlights from their side that are relevant to PatronManager clients:

My Domain will soon be mandatory

Has your organization completed the steps to switch over to Lightning? If not, there's one step in that process that you will need to complete before October: enabling My Domain.

You can complete this quick process to personalize your Salesforce Domain even before you're ready to make the switch to Lightning - follow these steps!

...and if you haven't switched to Lightning yet, make a plan to finish that process soon as well! More and more new PatronManager and Salesforce functionality is Lightning-only, so to take full advantage of the system, you'll want to make that adjustment.

Be sure to complete all the steps in this guide to fully configure Lightning for PatronManager.

Note: this article previously included a mention that Salesforce now allows you to attach Accounts to Campaigns. While this is a recently-released Salesforce feature, we've since learned that it is not compatible with PatronManager.

You can continue to attach Donations and Contacts to Campaigns as before.

That's all for this release!

Want to be part of the product development process? Log in to the Client Community to suggest and vote on Product Ideas, track suggestions your organization has given us in the past, see what's planned and in progress, and much more. Read All About Product Ideas to get started!

Oh, one more thing...
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