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April 2013 Release Notes

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April 2013 Release Notes:

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We're elated to announce our third PatronManager CRM release of 2013! Highlights of this release include a new batch printing option, a new box office report, the ability to refund credit card donations, and a complete overhaul of the CRM Snapshots tab. Check it all out below.

-- New Features --

1. New & Improved CRM Snapshots Tab

In the spirit of spring cleaning, we put a fresh coat of paint on the CRM Snapshots tab, and added some brand new snapshots to help you dive in to your patron data. Here's what's new:

New Layout

We've reorganized the snapshot list into categorized "mini-tabs." We also added some helpful information to this landing page, to make it easier for new users to get up to speed with CRM Snapshots.

New Layout

And we added a tab so you can go back to the snapshots that you've previously run without having to remember which query you started from:


New Snapshots

We also added two new snapshots -- the frequently-requested "Patrons who bought tickets to 'more than' or 'at least' or 'exactly' X events in a given time period" query lives in the Tickets mini-tab:

New Snapshots

And you can find the new "Patrons who have made X number of donations between certain dates" snapshot in the Donations mini-tab:

We also added the ability to filter all Donation snapshots by the Fund field, not just Record Type:

2. Batch Printing for Single Tickets

You now have the option to batch print single tickets based on the date the ticket order was created.

All of the delivery method and order origin options you’re used to seeing with batch printing are available here, too -- this means you’ll be able to batch print "yesterday's online orders" or "today's will-call orders," for example.

We’ve renamed the former “Subscription Ticket Printing” tab as “Batch Ticket Printing” instead:

2. Batch Printing for Single Tickets

From that tab, you can chose to print either Single Tickets (1) or Subscription Tickets (2):

And this is how it'll look when you batch print single tickets:

(You can still print all the tickets for a particular Event Instance via the Event Inventory tab, as before.)

3. Standalone Donation Refunds

We’re excited to announce that we now have a self-service interface for refunding standalone credit card donations. This means all back-office and online credit card donations can be refunded quickly and easily, without needing to contact the Client Services team! (We'll miss you, though.)

To refund a donation, click the “Refund Donation” button on the donation record:

3. Standalone Donation Refunds

Choose the refund method and click “Submit Refund.” This will look familiar to anyone who's worked with box office refunds before:

When you’re all done, you’ll have a donation record with “Refunded” as the Stage. This donation will of course be excluded from all roll-up fields that calculate donation history, and also will be easy to filter out of all donation reports.

(Please note: this does not yet apply to donations made during a ticket purchase. For those, please keep contacting us for assistance.)

4. New Box Office Report: Sales Overview

On the “Box Office Reports” tab, you'll find the new Sales Overview Report. This report is designed to give you a quick overview of your sales for upcoming shows.

On the first page, choose the date range for the Event Instances you’d like to see in the report:

4. New Box Office Report: Sales Overview

Here's what it might look like over a two week period:

It includes unpaid Reservation orders by default; you can click the "Hide Reservations" button if you don't want to count those.

This report can be scheduled and exported to Excel, just like the other box office reports.

5. Donation Credit Card Swiping

Credit card swiping now works with donations. This means that if you have the card in hand when entering a standalone donation, you can save a little time by swiping instead of entering the number by hand.

6. Organization-Wide E-mail Address for Donation Acknowledgements

We now support sending donation acknowledgement e-mails from an organization-wide e-mail address.

You might already be familiar with this option, as we’ve offered it on ticket orders for quite a while. You can set this up on the “Organization Settings” tab, using the “From Email Address” field -- if you need help, contact the PatronManager Client Administration team by clicking the red "Submit a Support Request" button in the PatronManager Help tab.

7. Speeding Up Subscription Fulfillment

This small change to the subscription fulfillment process should make things move more quickly for you: once a subscription item has all of its fulfillment items, it’ll automatically be marked as filled. This change affects both Fixed and Choose-Your-Own subscriptions.

7. Speeding Up Subscription Fulfillment

You can always re-open subscription items if you need to change fulfillment items.

8. Improved Reporting & Handling of Disputed Charges and Chargebacks

Disputed charges or chargebacks don't happen very often, but when they do they've been a bit of a nuisance for your reporting. Starting with this release, though, we’ve made it easier to track these transactions in PatronManager.

When a ticket order charge is disputed, you’ll see this message on the order:

8. Improved Reporting & Handling of Disputed Charges and Chargebacks

You won’t be able to edit or print the tickets from this order, so please contact us if you have any questions.

If the chargeback is resolved in favor of the patron, your Disbursement Reconciliation Report will now reflect the deduction and give you the same chargeback notification you see on the Disbursement Report you receive from us.

-- On-Demand Features --

9. Custom Ticketing Dashboards

In this release, we’re featuring three new box office dashboards -- and we got the idea for each of them directly from our clients! They were originally built for specific organizations, but we think they'll be useful and interesting to a lot of you.

If you’d like to see a version of any of these dashboards in your own PatronManager account, contact Client Services and we’ll build and help customize them for you.

Thanks to Jessica Dulberg (Adelphi Performing Arts Center), Mike Watson (Everyman Theatre), and Lem Thornton (Pasadena Playhouse) for the inspiration.

A. Inventory Tracker

Use this dashboard for a particular show to see at a glance what percentage of your house you’ve sold for each performance, and how many seats are remaining.

A. Inventory Tracker

B. Top Ten Ticket Sales Days

After a really busy day in the box office, have you ever thought, “Gosh, it feels like we just had our biggest sales day ever!"

This dashboard lets you know if you're right! It shows what your highest volume days of ticket sales are, by revenue and by quantity.

B. Top Ten Ticket Sales Days

C. Box Office Staff Dashboard

This is a dashboard for Box Office Managers who have several people working with them to sell tickets.

See how many tickets each employee sells in a given week or season (you can decide what time frame works best for you); you can track their sales by Order Origin too; and if your staff uses tasks to track their phone calls or telemarketing, you can watch that activity closely as well.

C. Box Office Staff Dashboard

-- Bug Fixes --

Always last, but never least: bug fixes! When you report errors or weird behavior you've seen in your PatronManager account, our support and product teams take note, try to reproduce the problem, and fix it as soon as we can! Some of these will sound familiar to you. Here's the roundup for this release:

  • Fixed a bug that caused the last modified date on accounts to update every night if the account had no donations.
  • Reordered Event Instances on the Subscription Breakout Report to appear in date order like the other Box Office Reports.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented scheduled Sales Summary Reports from working in certain cases.
  • Instead of just omitting orders in Payment Exception from box office reports, we now show an error message that alerts you to their existence with a link to correct them.
  • Added an extra check so that ticket orders cannot be modified or qualified by two users at the same time. (This will also prevent duplicate ticket order donations from occurring.)
  • Renewing subscription orders with multiple price levels or allocations no longer splits the items into separate orders.
  • Fixed several bugs that prevented access to the subscription renewal module if subscription seasons lacked price levels.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from fulfilling subscriptions if more than one subscription allocation was added at the same time.
  • If your organization waives delivery fees on subscription orders, you will no longer see "($X fee applies)" when selecting the delivery method.
  • Fixed a bug that caused “Online” order origins to blank out when an order was edited.
  • We can now set a default delivery method for your public ticketing site.
  • Corrected the error message on the public ticket site to be more helpful when a patron hasn't supplied an Order Source.
  • Orders with payment method of Third Party can now be refunded as Third Party.
  • Corrected order and donation confirmation e-mail behavior so that they do not include the Fulfillment Administrator's personal e-mail signature. 
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