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Get to Know Your Patrons Better: Ticket Order History & New CRM Snapshots (September 2014)

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Get to Know Your Patrons Better: Ticket Order History & New CRM Snapshots (September 2014):

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See a Patron's Ticket-Buying History at a Glance

We're introducing a slew of new fields in this release that give you an at-a-glance view of your patrons' ticketing history. These fields calculate the total amount patrons have spent on single tickets, subscriptions, and memberships at your organization, as well as the amount spent on single tickets and memberships in the last # days (that part's an "on demand" feature -- just tell us what # you want to use in that calculation).

You'll be able to easily see who your most valuable patrons are, both historically and recently. Find out if you have households that contribute lots of ticket revenue but have never even been asked for a gift! Or check out who's spent the most on single tickets in the last few months and consider reaching out to them about becoming a subscriber.

See a Patron's Ticket-Buying History at a Glance

The totals are calculated at the Account level, so they include activity for the entire household, and the data is also displayed on each Contact record in the Account.

Just contact us if you want to set a value for the "Last # Days" fields, and we'll help you get that set up and the fields added to your page layouts.

New CRM Snapshots

Who came to four or more musicals? How about fewer than five Shakespeare plays? Who are my most valuable patrons overall in the last year?

Two new CRM Snapshots will help you answer these questions.

Patrons who placed Ticket Orders OR made Donations

Use the "Patrons who placed Ticket Orders OR made Donations" to determine who your most valuable patrons were during a specified time period:

Patrons who placed Ticket Orders OR made Donations

Patrons who bought tickets to ‘more than’ or ‘at least’ or ‘exactly’ X events in a given category

And use the "Patrons who bought tickets to ‘more than’ or ‘at least’ or ‘exactly’ X events in a given category" to determine who came to many performances of a specific type of show. This can help you target who among your patrons might benefit from a particular membership or subscription.

Patrons who bought tickets to ‘more than’ or ‘at least’ or ‘exactly’ X events in a given category

If you aren't already using the Event Category field, you can do so retroactively for all of your existing events. Navigate to the Event Inventory tab, choose an event, click "Edit", and select the applicable categories by moving them into the "Chosen" column:

Snapshots for Accounts

We've updated several CRM Snapshots so that they now include the ability to "roll up" to the Account. Applying the Account rollup will combine history from all Contacts within an Account when considering if they meet the requirements of the Snapshot. Without the option enabled, the Snapshot will run on Contact data only. You might use the Account rollup option if you want to extend a discount via email to patrons who haven't already purchased tickets to an event and want to make sure to exclude Household members of those who have already purchased. Alternatively, you may choose not to use this option if you want to target only the person who actually interacted with you to send surveys or follow-ups about the ticket-buying experience.

Just click the "Apply Account Rollup" checkbox at the bottom:

Snapshots for Accounts

This option is available on the following snapshots, many of which are newly-added in this release:

  • Patrons who have NOT bought tickets to specific Event Instances
  • Patrons who have made their first and only ticket purchase within a timeframe
  • Patrons who have donated $X between certain dates (two time periods)
  • Patrons who have made X number of donations between certain dates
  • Patrons who placed Ticket Orders OR made Donations
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