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Refunds & Exchanges: Full and Partial Refunds

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Refunds & Exchanges: Full and Partial Refunds:

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We've completely redesigned the refund process, to make it easier for you to handle all kinds of refunds yourselves. Here's how to process refunds:

Select the tickets you want to refund.

Select the tickets you want to refund.

To do a full refund of an order, you'll leave all the checkboxes on the left checked, and click Refund Selected Tickets. For partial refunds, just select the tickets you want to refund, and click the button.

Confirm the amount of the refund, and write any notes you want to record.

Confirm the amount of the refund, and write any notes you want to record.

Choose a refund method.

You have three options for refunds on most credit card orders: you can credit the patron's credit card, issue a refund by check or cash, or convert the amount of the refund to a donation instead.

Refund to buyer's credit card:

Refund to buyer's credit card:

If the original order was paid for by credit card, you can issue the refund back on that card as long as it's within 60 days of the original transaction.

Refund by check (or cash):

Refund by check (or cash):

If it's been more than 60 days, or if the original order was paid for by some other payment method, or even if you just prefer not to credit the patron's card, you can issue the refund by cash or check instead. The tickets will be returned to inventory and you can assign a reminder task to yourself or someone else to send the check to the patron.

Convert refund amount into a donation:

Convert refund amount into a donation:

This option will only be available if the ticket order has already been qualified (so remember to qualify your orders!). You can choose to return the tickets to inventory but instead of issuing a real refund, automatically create a donation in the patron's name in the amount of the refund.

Multiple refunds allowed

Multiple refunds allowed

Got patrons who can't make up their minds? No problem -- you can process unlimited exchanges AND refunds on the same order. (Just remember to qualify your orders, and that if it's been more than 60 days you can't refund to their credit card.)


Click next to learn about exchanges.

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