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Revamped Daily Sales Report (May 2015)

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Revamped Daily Sales Report (May 2015):

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We've completely redesigned the Daily Sales Report, based on a tremendous amount of your feedback (thank you!) and to anticipate as many of your reporting needs as possible. This is a big upgrade and we hope you’ll read this section especially carefully.

Right off the bat, you'll notice we drained out all the color to make it more printer-friendly.

Let's take a tour through the new or changed components.

Sales Summary

Sales Summary

1.     Each section in the Sales Summary box -- Gross, Refund, and Net -- breaks down money into separate buckets.

2.     Gross, Refund, and Net totals appear at the bottom of each section, culminating in the Net Total On Hand.

3.     PatronTech fees are all subtracted at the end of the Sales Summary section (not in each section along the way).

4.     Included in your Daily Sales Report is the total Estimated Credit Card Processing Fees* for this time period.

5.     At the very bottom, the Estimated Net Sales Total for the time period of this report.

(* Why is this an "estimated" amount? Because it's a number that's based on a percentage, summed up, and then rounded. The amount that's actually subtracted from each disbursement is summed and rounded based on the specific time period of that disbursement; if you run THIS report for a shorter or longer time period, the total shown here will be summed and rounded differently, and thus vary slightly from the actual amount assessed.)

Payment Summary

Payment Summary

6.     The Payment Summary section reflects "on hand" totals. This means no PatronTech or Credit Card Processing fees are subtracted from the Payment Summary box. If your box office takes in $100 in cash during this time period, you'll see $100. It's that simple.

7.     Gross, Refund, and Net Totals in the Sales Summary and Payment Summary will always match.

Net Sales By Event

Net Sales By Event

8.     A completely revamped event breakdown section appears below the Sales and Payment Summaries. Each event displays the ticket revenue and quantity sold.

9.     Two new columns indicate the distribution of subscription money collected during this time. Money earned through subscription sales is debited from subscriptions and credited immediately to the fulfillment events. **Note that this is only available for events that support Enhanced Subscription Reporting. Learn more here.**

10.    View net totals for each payment method by event.

11.    See the subtotal for all items sold to all events. This total matches the Tickets/Subs/Mbrshps Net total in the Sales Summary box.

12.    Each kind of fee you collect is listed as its own line item below the Event Subtotals.

13.    A grand total at the bottom matches the Net Total on Hand in the Sales Summary box.

Group By Instance

Group By Instance

14.    Net Sales by Event section is grouped by Ticketable Event by default. Click the "Group By: Instance" link to view the Net Sales by Event Instance instead.

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