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Improvements to Large Ticket Orders (August 2015)

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Improvements to Large Ticket Orders (August 2015):

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We've made some significant improvements to the process of adding lots of tickets to an order.

Seat Selection Made Easy

Many of you told us that it was pretty tedious to have to keep clicking on seat chips in a PYOS venue, whether it was during Ticket Order creation or while reallocating seats. Never fear, the lasso is here!

With the lasso, you'll be able to click and drag to select large numbers of seats at a time.

If you have a more "curvy" venue and need to select many seats that don't fit neatly into a rectangular box, you can hold down Control (or Command on a Mac) while clicking and dragging, to "paint" your selections across the seatmap.

No More Counting!

You might notice in the above videos that we've also added in a seat counter on the right hand side of the seat selection page. In addition to listing the seats that you've selected, it'll sum up the total number of selected seats, and across how many instances if you're reallocating for multiple shows). No more guessing or hand-counting!

No More Counting!

Improving Quality *and* Quantity

Not only can you now add seats more quickly to an order, you'll be able to add more of them, too! We've done away with the old limit of adding 25 seats to an order at a time. Now you'll be able to add as many seats as will fit on any one order (500, if you didn't know!). Tickets galore!

Improving Quality *and* Quantity

Next Stop, Reservations

We've made some changes to how the system handles and reports on money from Reservation orders.

Previous Article August 2015 Release Notes Overview
Next Article More Support for Reservation Orders (August 2015)
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