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Processing Orders: Patron Experience (February 2016):
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Relabel Your Fees
Don't like the term "Buyer Fees"? Want to relabel the "Order Fee" as "Handling Fee"? Now you can!
The new Fee Setup tool is designed to give you control over how fees appear to you and your patrons. Simply change the value in the "What would you like to call this fee?" field.
Create Groupings
You have the option to group together some or all of your item fees and order fees into a single label each, for your patrons to see. This might be a good option if you'd like to charge one kind of fee on phone orders and another on credit card orders -- you can choose to group them both beneath the single heading "Convenience Fee". To create your groupings, navigate to the PatronTicket Settings tab, then locate and populate the "Item Fee Label" and "Order Fee Label" fields.
When configuring a new fee (or modifying an old one), choose "Group With Other Fees" to display the label instead of the fee itself.
Public Ticket Site
When patrons visit your public ticket site, they'll see only the groupings and fee labels that you've chosen to display.
Confirmation Emails
Your confirmation emails will, again, reflect the fee labels and groupings that you define in your Fee Setup. Here's a sample confirmation email:
Keep Reading!
In the next article, you'll learn how these changes affect your Box Office Reports.