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Box Office Improvements (November 2013)

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Box Office Improvements (November 2013):

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We've made a bunch of improvements to ticket order processing based on your feedback!

"Resend Confirmation Email" Button

Now you can resend order confirmation emails right from the ticket order itself. Simply click the "Resend Confirmation Email" button, and we'll handle the rest!

(This button won't appear on orders that don't have email addresses, but if a patron requests a confirmation email and wants to give you her email address at that time, just edit the order and type it in the Email field -- when you click save, the button will appear.)

"Resend Confirmation Email" Button

Smarter "Emailed" Checkbox

Clients have told us that the behavior of the "Emailed" checkbox on ticket orders was confusing, so we've changed it. The box will now be checked right away for all orders where the delivery method is "Email" because the PDF of print-at-home tickets is automatically sent with the confirmation email. (Previously, the box was only checked when the PDF was manually re-sent or subscription tickets were delivered.)

New Order Status for Subscriptions: "Did Not Renew"

We're introducing a new Ticket Order status with this release: "Did Not Renew"

This new status will allow you to more easily track the results of your subscription renewal campaign. Instead of completely deleting the subscription orders of non-renewing patrons, you can return their seats to inventory and remove their seat assignments while still keeping a record of the packages they declined to renew.

You'll see this button on all "Pending Renewal" orders:

New Order Status for Subscriptions: "Did Not Renew"

And if you're using PatronPortal for your subscription renewals, your subscribers can choose this option when they log in:

You can also mark some or all subscription orders as "Did Not Renew" en masse via the Subscription Series Renewal Log page:

Fewer Clicks When Printing Tickets in Chrome

If you use the Google Chrome browser, we've made printing tickets one click faster. Clicking either the "Print All Tickets" or "Print Selected Tickets" buttons will launch you immediately to the print screen for your tickets in either Box Office Express or the Quick Order Form.

Automatically Select Items for Refund

We're now going to automatically select all items when you click the "Issue Refund" button on single ticket orders. This means fewer clicks when you just need to refund an order. (If it's a subscription order, we'll still give you control over selecting either the package or the fulfillment items yourself.)

Automatically Select Items for Refund

Because there are many components to the new print-at-home ticket that you can control yourself, we've given you a way to view a preview of the print-at-home ticket for any Event Instance. Just click the button:

Print-at-Home Ticket Preview Button

No "Organization Info" or "Header" Cards on Walk-Up Orders

If you have the organization info and header cards set up for printing, there's really no need for them to print with your walk-up ticket orders through Box Office Express or the Quick Order Form (because in those cases, you're just handing tickets to the patron immediately.) We'll still print receipt and signature cards when appropriate, and this change won't affect batch printing.

Better Payment Exception Handling

When a payment exception happens, you'll now see a more helpful error message explaining the problem. The best option is to send an email to our Client Services team and let us investigate the issue -- and now there's a link right on this page to send that request automatically. We'll research the issue and let you know which of the other instructions on the page you should follow.

Better Payment Exception Handling
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